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Assembly Series Lectures Organized by Date 1949-2011
Jozef Winiewicz, "What Poland Stands For," 1949: April 29
Paul G. Hoffman, Commencement Address, 1949: June 7
Arthur Holly Compton, Summer Session Address, 1949: June
Arthur Holly Compton, "Report on India Trip," 1950: February 17
Roland G. Usher, "History of European Civilization," 1950: May 23
Vijaya Lakshima Pandit, Baccalaureate Address, 1950: June 5
Arthur Holly Compton, Talk on World Brotherhood Organization, 1950: July 13
Arthur Holly Compton, "Life in a University," 1950: July 23
Arthur Holly Compton, Address to Students, 1950: September 21
George C. Marshall, Commencement Address, 1951: June 6
Charles Allen Thomas, Summer Session Address, 1951: June 28
Karl T. Compton, Commencement Address, 1952: June 11
Arthur Holly Compton, "Strength through Truth," 1952: October 1
John Foster Dulles, "U.S. Foreign Policy," 1952: October 23
Jonathan Daniels, Centennial-Homecoming Address, 1952: October 27
Willard F. Libby, "Dating Archaeological Remains by the Carbon Method," 1952: November 12
C. Gilbert Wrenn, "You and Your Place in 1952," 1952: November 19
Ralph Linton, "Universal Values in the Modern World," 1952: November 26
Gerald Heard, "Education in the Next Hundred Years," 1952: December 10
Gerald Heard, "Human Intelligence and the Flying Saucer," 1952: December 17
George T. Stoddard, "What the Nations Seek in Education," 1952: December 17
Norman Cousins, "Moral Imagination," 1953: January 14
Irving Dilliard, Norman Isaacs, Audrey Kreitman, and Louis LaCoss, "The Role of the Press in a Democracy," 1953: February 11
Ferdinand Isserman, "Brotherhood Through Knowledge," 1953: February 18
Harry Gibbs, Centennial Cavalcade Address, 1953: February 21
Howard Foster Lowry, "White Sails Crowding," 1953: February 22
Wilson M. Compton, "Crusade of Ideas," 1953: February 25
James Hickok and Arthur Holly Compton, Address, 1953: March 11
Eugene E. Barnett, "Firing Lines Ahead," 1953: March 11
Ross Boone, Julia Watson, Jack Pierson, and Fay Bussel, Lenore Harlow Loeb, "Debate on Women's Rights," 1953: March 18
Ralph W. Sockman, "Free Men in a Frightened World," 1953: March 25
Boris Goldovsky, "Appraisal and Summary of the Plot of Verdi's Falstaff," 1953: April 22
Aaron Copland, "The Role of the Creative Artist in America Today," 1953: April 29
A. Cornelius Benjamin, "Dogmatism, Skepticism, and Rational Belief," 1953: May 13
Kenneth McFarland, "Essence of a Business Philosophy: The "U" in Business," 1953: May 20
Arthur Lichtenberger, Baccalaureate Address, 1953: June 7
Arthur Holly Compton and Mrs. Compton, Alumni-Senior Dinner Dance, 1953: June 9
T. S. Eliot, "American Literature and American Language," 1953: June 9
Arthur Holly Compton, Commencement Address, 1953: June 10
Arthur Holly Compton, "Atoms, Electricity, and the Quest for the Best," 1953: September 30
Carl Snavely, "College Football-Big Business," 1953: October 7
Chester Bowles, "Challenge of Communism in Asia," 1953: October 14
Gerald Heard, "Fear and Freedom," 1953: November 23
Gerald Heard, Thanksgiving Address, 1953: November 25
Howard Mumford Jones, "Freedom and the Universities," 1954: January 13
James T. Farrell, "Fear of Freedom," 1954: March 3
Norman Cousins, "Fear and Freedom," 1954: March 17
Daisetz Teitaro Suzuki, "Zen for Today," 1954: April 20
Daisetz Teitaro Suzuki, "Meeting of East and West," 1954: April 21
Eleanor Roosevelt, "The United Nations: Our Stronghold for Peace," 1954: May 4
Ethan A. H. Shepley, "Looking Ahead," 1954: May 12
Ferdinand Isserman, "The World Rests Upon Three things: Learning, Religion and Good Deeds," 1954: June 6
Charles Malik, Commencement Address, 1954: June 9
Hu Shih, "This I Believe," 1954: October 27
Clarence Kirshman Streit, "Why Moscow Fears the Atlantic Union," 1954: November 10
Abba Hillel Silver, Thanksgiving Address, 1954: November 24
Ethan A. H. Shepley, Second Century Convocation Reception Address, 1955: February 19
Abram L. Sachar, "The Problem of Refugees from Responsibility," 1955: February 19
Earl Warren, "Blessings of Liberty," 1955: February 19
William N. Chambers, Donald Bryant, and Richard Dyer, Second Century Convocation Essay and Oratorical Contest Award Ceremony 1955: February 19
St. Louis Symphony Orchestra, "An Afternoon of Familiar Music," 1955: February 20
Grayson Kirk, "Liberty and the University," 1955: February 20
Howard Thurman, "Freedom Under God," 1955: February 20
Florence E. Allen, "Path to Freedom," 1955: February 21
Robert E. Wilson, "Liberal Education and Freedom," 1955: February 21
Carlos Romulo, "Fighting for . . . The Blessings of Liberty," 1955: February 22
Gerald Heard, "This I Believe," 1955: April 20
Ethan A. H. Shepley, Commencement Address, 1955: June 8
Bill Costello and Leon Pearson, "Should Red China Be Admitted to the U.N.?," 1955: October 26
Robert I. Kahn, Thanksgiving Address, 1955: November 23
Willy Ley, "The Conquest of Space," 1955: December 7
W.H. Auden, Oreon E. Scott Symposium Address, 1955: May 8
Randall Jarrell, Oreon E. Scott Symposium Address, 1955: May 8
William Carlos Williams, "The Author and His Public (The Modern Poem): A Cry in the Night," 1955: May 8
Norman Cousins, Address, 1956: January 1
Princess Catherine Caradja of Romania, "Escape from the Iron Curtain," 1956: March 14
Huston Smith, "The Dignity of Man," 1956: March 21
Leigh Gerdine, "Obligation of Excellence," 1956: April 7
Frank Lane, "Washington University Athletic Policy and the St. Louis Cardinals," 1956: April 11
Barry Commoner, "What Is Life?," 1956: April 18
Thomas H. Eliot, "The Choice of a President," 1956: April 25
Charles E. Wyzanski, "The Preservation of Independence," 1956: May 2
Ralph Bunche, "The U.N. in Its Second Decade," 1956: May 9
Paul Freund, Commencement Address, 1956: June 6
Baccalaureate Address, 1956: June 11
Edward Weltin, "America Untried," 1956: October 31
Edward Condon, "H-Bombs: The Morning After," 1956: November 7
Stuart A. Queen, "Who Made America?," 1956: November 14
Lou H. Silberman, Thanksgiving Address, 1956: November 21
Edwin G. Nourse, "Post-Election Economic Outlook," 1956: November 28
Paul Roberts, Address, 1957: January 9
Jesse Owens, "This Land of Opportunity," 1957: February 20
Alexander Buchan, "The Common Heritage," 1957: March 6
Louis Brownlow, "Woodrow Wilson, the World Leader," 1957: March 27
Ethan A. H. Shepley, Frank Berry, Russell C. Brock, Joseph C. Hinsey, Alfred Blalock, and William Scarlett, Evarts A. Graham Memorial Service, 1957: March 31
George Mylonas, "American Scholars in Greece," 1957: April 3
James A. Pike, "Religion as Perspective," 1957: May 8
Linus Pauling, "Science and the Modern World," 1957: May 15
Wesley H. Hager, Baccalaureate Address, 1957: June 9
Raymond R. Tucker, Commencement Address, 1957: June 12
Eleanor Roosevelt, "America's Responsibility for World Leadership," 1957: October 16
Leslie Chabay, Performance, 1957: October 30
Huston Smith, "The Faces of Aspiration," 1957: November 6
Ivy Baker Priest, "Treasures Money Can't Buy," 1957: November 13
Willy Ley, "The Conquest of Nearby Space," 1957: November 19
Ian Forbes Fraser, "French and American Responsibilities in North Africa," 1957: November 20
Julius Mark, Thanksgiving Address, 1957: November 27
Helen K. Porter, Bernardo A. Houssay, William Scarlett, Severo Ochoa, and Ethan A. H. Shepley, Dr. Gerty Theresa Cori Memorial Lecture, 1957: December 15
Hodding Carter, "A New Perspective on the South," 1958: February 19
Lillian Moller Gilbreth, "Engineering for All," 1958: February 20
Arthur C. Clarke, "The Making of a Moon," 1958: March 5
Roy C. Macridis, "Europe: An Uneasy Ally," 1958: March 26
Ethan A. H. Shepley, "A Look at the Future of Washington University," 1958: April 16
Alexander Buchan, "Some to Discover Islands Far Away," 1958: April 19
Catherine Drinker Bowen, "The Biographer Looks for News," 1958: April 23
Abram L. Sachar, "The Future Is Not What It Used to Be," 1958: May 7
William Scarlett, Baccalaureate Address, 1958: June 8
Howard J. Morgens, "Organization, Man, and the Individual," 1958: June 11
Harry S. Ashmore, "Education in a Time of Testing," 1958: October 1
Leigh Gerdine, "Russia: A Personal Reaction," 1958: October 8
Richard J. Neutra, "Man the Measure," 1958: October 22
William N. Chambers, "Congressional Elections: Can "Ike" Save the Republicans?," 1958: October 29
Emily Kimbrough, "Of Ships and Shores," 1958: November 5
Clement Attlee, "World Government or World Chaos," 1958: November 12
David Graubart, "Prophets, Puritans, and Thanksgiving," 1958: November 26
John H. Furbay, "The Exploding Middle East," 1958: December 3
Alexander Calandra, "The Effect of Russian Foreign Policy on American Education," 1958: December 10
Gustav Mesmer, "An Immigrant Views Washington University," 1958: May 11
Ralph Bunche, "Brotherhood and the Realities," 1959: February 18
I. M. Levitt, "Future in the Sky," 1959: March 4
William O. Douglas, "The End and the Means," 1959: March 11
Washington Univeristy Men's Glee Club, "Music for All," 1959: March 19
Ethan A. H. Shepley, "Problems and Opportunities," 1959: April 15
William N. Chambers, "The University: Adventure and Humanity," 1959: April 18
Max Lerner, "Education: The Heroic Encounter," 1959: April 22
H. J. Muller, "Darwinism Today," 1959: May 6
Herbert C. Morton, "St. Louis' Brookings," 1961: January 19
Arthur Holly Compton, "The Scattering of X-Rays as Particles," 1961: February 3
Ross M. Trump, "As Europeans See Us," 1961: October 13
A. Doak Barnett, "The Revolution in China: Historical Perspectives," 1961: December 4
Harold Taylor, "The World of the American Student," 1962: February 14
Ethan A. H. Shepley, Arthur Holly Compton Memorial Service Address, 1962: March 18
Carl A. McCandless, "The Federal Government and Public Education," 1962: April 18
Raymond E. Callahan, "The Political Implications of the Federal Government in Public Education," 1962: April 18
Francis V. Lloyd, Jr., "Participations of Federal Government in Education at Present Time," 1962: April 18
Barry Commoner, "Social Responsibility of the Educator for Educational Policy," 1962: April 18
Edward L. Ullman, "Meramec Basin Research Project," 1962: October 11
Thomas H. Eliot, "The Installation of Mr. Thomas H. Eliot as Chancellor of Washington University," 1962: October 12
Hans A. Bethe, "Strategy and Disarmament," 1962: October 17
Roy C. Macridis, "The Future of French Politics," 1962: October 24
James Burnham, "Cuba and American Foreign Policy," 1962: October 31
Thomas H. Eliot and Paul C. Reinart, "Forum of the Air," 1962: November 8
John G. Kemeny, "Mathematics Invades the Social Sciences," 1962: November 14
Harry Schwartz, "The Soviet-American Confrontation," 1962: November 21
Jack Mendelsohn, "The Crisis of Liberal Faith," 1962: November 28
R. Marlin Perkins, "In Search of the Abominable Snowman," 1962: December 5
Clinton Rossiter, "Some Old Ideas for the New America," 1962: December 12
Clark M. Clifford, "Government and Business Today: Does the Reality Conform to the Myth?," 1963: February 20
C. P. Snow, Interview with C. P. Snow conducted by Mary Spencer of KSD-TV, 1963: February 20
C. P. Snow, "Science and the American Dream," 1963: February 23
William J. Brennan, Jr., "The Criminal Prosecution: A Sporting Contest or a Quest for Truth?," 1963: March 13
Stephen Spender, "The Poets of the 1930s: A Discussion and Readings," 1963: March 20
Harland B. Moulton, "Military Security and Disarmament," 1963: April 24
Thomas H. Eliot, Robert T. Griffin, Harry W. Flannery, Stuart Symington, and Anthony J. Celebrezze, "Land for St. Louis Research Center," 1963: October 2
Krister Stendahl, "Religion in the University," 1963: October 9
Hans J. Morgenthau, "The Dilemmas of American Foreign Policy," 1963: October 16
Joseph Passonneau, "Art and the University: Two Other Cultures," 1963: October 23
James Van Allen, "The Role of Man in Space," 1963: October 30
Marquis Childs, " 'Liberals' and 'Conservatives': Some Political Definitions in a Revolutionary World," 1963: November 6
Leo Marx, "The Machine in the Garden: Industrialization and the Pastoral Idea of America," 1963: November 20
John Hope Franklin, "A New Birth of Freedom," 1963: November 27
Theodosius Dobzhansky, "Genetics and Equality," 1963: December 4
Alan Pryce-Jones, "The Changing Image of American Culture," 1963: December 11
Arnold Toynbee, "The Study of Contemporary History," 1963: April 17
Thomas Hornbein, "Everest: The Inevitable 'Why'," 1964: February 19
Hodding Carter, "A Tale of Two Continents," 1964: February 22
Rosemary Park, "The Future of the Liberal Arts Curriculum," 1964: February 26
George Pake, Lecture, 1964: March 5
Bernard Lovell, "The Race to the Moon," 1964: March 11
Arthur Lawson, "A Practical Program for Peace," 1964: March 18
Michael Friedlander, "Developments in Space Sciences," 1964: March 24
Ernst Haas, "Liberation: The Essence of Vision," 1964
Edwin T. Jaynes, "Light Amplification for Stimulated Emission of Radiation," 1964: May 12
Richard Purdy Wilbur, Commencement Address, 1964: June 8
Bill Papian and Richard A. Dammkoehler, "Computer Conversation," 1964: September 22
Dr. Wahl, Interview, 1964: September 24
Moses Hadas, "Humanism, the Greek Ideal," 1964: October 7
Alexander Buchan, "What Happens to My Students?," 1964: October 12
Burton Wheeler, Paul C. Reinert, Robert Payton, and Thomas H. Eliot, "Washington University 1964-65: Principle Areas of University Development," 1964: October 13
James A. Pike, "Religion as Perspective," 1964: October 21
William H. Hastie, "Federalism and States' Rights in Theory and in Practice," 1964: November 11
Virginius Dabney, "Civil Rights, States' Rights, and the South," 1964: November 18
Adolf Berle, Jr., "Evolutionary Democracy in Latin America: 1964," 1964: November 25
Paul Cibis, Address on Clinical Opthalmology, 1964: December 1
Jules Henry, "Vulnerability: The Sources of Man's Fear in Himself and in Society," 1964: December 2
Roy Wilkins, "The New Challenge of Civil Rights," 1964: December 9
James Meredith, "Education of Women: For What?," 1964: May 17
Jean-Marie Drot and Edgard Varese, "Alexander Calder," 1965: January 19
Thomas H. Eliot, "Proposal to Eliminate Grades for Freshmen and Sophomores," 1965: February 2
James F. Oates, Jr., "The Importance of Liberal Education," 1965: February 19
Leslie Munro, "This Troubled World," 1965: March 17
James B. Conant, Education Lecture, 1965: March 18
L. P. Kaiushin and K. M. L'vov, Convocation on the Mississippi Paper Presentation, 1965: March 18-19
Frank B. Freidel, Jr., "Franklin Delano Roosevelt: Twenty Years Later," 1965: April 14
Karl Popper, "Of Clouds and Clocks: An Approach to the Problem of Rationailty and the Freedom of Man," Compton Memorial Lecture, 1965: April 21
Gunnar Myrdal, "Planning for the Quality of Urban Life," 1965: April 23
John V. Lindsay, "The Role of the Politician in Tomorrow's Society," 1965: April 29
Washington University Alumni Revue Singers, Selections from the Alumni-Senior Dinner Dance, 1965: June 5
Reunions, 1965: June 5
B. F. Skinner, "Utopia Now?," 1965: October 6
Wilbur J. Bender, "College Admissions and the American Experience," 1962: October 10
Howard Lowry, Address, "Ways of Daring," 1965: October 10
Clifford J. Durr, "The Relevance of Morality," 1965: November 3
Thomas H. Eliot, Talk with the Chancellor, 1965: November 10
George Gallup, "Government by Bribery," 1965: November 17
Milton Friedman, "Intentions vs. Results in Economic Policy," 1965: December 8
Robert Hamlin, "Delinquency in the Slums and the Matriarchy," 1965: May 18
Senior Class, Alumni Senior Party, 1966: January 1
Thomas H. Eliot, Interview on Jack Buck's At Your Service Question and Answer Program, 1966: January 17
Barry Commoner, "New Dimensions," 1966: January 21
George Mylonas, "The Rise and Fall of the Mycenaean States," 1966: February 17
Frederick Deming, "Updating Our International Monetary System," 1966: February 16
Roger Blough, "Defending Freedom with Freedom," 1966: February 19
Roger Blough, "Open File," 1966: March 3
Harry W. Jones, "The Practice of Justice," 1966: March 9
Marcus Cunliffe, "Murder and the American Presidency," 1966: April 20
Hanson Baldwin, "Military-Political Balance Sheet of the World Conflicts," 1966: April 27
Roger Revelle, "Science and the Poor Countries," 1966: May 4
A. E. Hotchner, "Papa Hemingway," 1966: May 13
Merle Fainsod, Commencement Address, 1966: June 5
James Farmer, "The Civil Rights Revolution in America," 1966: October 5
Herb Weitman, Julius Klyman, and Martin Schweig, "New Dimensions in Photography," 1966: December 7
Edmund Muskie, Thomas C. Hennings, Jr. Memorial Lecture Address, 1966: December 7
Jacob K. Javits, "Prescription for the Cities: A Territorial Approach to Urban Problems," 1967: January 1
John W. Gardner, Founders Day Address, 1967: February 25
Jack Hexter, "The Annihilation of History," 1967: April 19
Barry Goldwater, "Viet Nam—Its Importance to the World and to Us," 1967: May 3
Thomas H. Eliot, "The Relationship of the University and the Community," 1967: May 5
Immanuel Velikovsky, Eliot Honors Address, 1967: June 3
Senior Class, Senior Class Dinner Dance, 1967: June 3
Washington University Commencement, 1967: June 4
Sol Myron Linowitz, Commencement Address, 1967: June 4
James Dickey, "Poet James Dickey, Reading with Comments," 1967: November 8
Erich Fromm, "Man Against Himself?," 1967: November 15
James Killian, Jr., "Technology and the Academics: A Postscript," 1967: November 29
Gordon Hall, "Political Extremism in the United States," 1967: December 6
Peter Viereck, "The Revolt of Russian Students, Intellectuals and Poets," 1968: February 14
Harrison Salisbury, "Report from Hanoi," 1968: February 23
Arthur Kornberg, "The Recent Revolution in Biology," 1968: March 1
Ralph Fuchs, "Governmental Decision Making in the Great Society," 1968: March 6
Isaiah Berlin, "The Romantic Revolution in Politics and Morals," 1969: March 19
Barbara Ward, "The Economy of Abundance?," 1968: March 20
Jim Fowler, "Lightning on the Wing," 1968: March 27
Senior Class, Alumni-Senior Dinner Dance, 1968: June 1
Albert William Levi, "Violence and the University," 1968: September 25
Isidor Silver, "Pierre de Ronsard: A Hellenic Teacher of France," 1968: October 9
Abraham J. Heschel, "Environment and Ecology," 1968: October 16
Russell Kirk, "Changing Political Parties," 1968: October 16
David Halberstam, "Politics," 1968: October 30
Ralph Garber, "From Legitimacy to Potency: Social Work in the Next Decade," 1968: November 3
Peter Medawar, "Genetics and the Future of Man," 1968: November 6
Thomas H. Eliot, "A Talk with the Chancellor," 1968: November 13
Tyrone Guthrie, "The Theatre Today," 1968: November 20
Thomas Kuchel, "The Future of the American Mainstream," 1968: December 4
Albert Szent-Györgyi, "Environment and Ecology," 1968: May 21
Paul Painter, "Parent-Child Relationships," No Date
Emilio Q. Daddario, "Science and the Federal Government," 1969: February 12
Jacqueline Grennan "Administrative Response to Youth's Moral Revolution" Panel Discussion, 1969: February 13
Frank Pearson's Gang, "Ragtimers," 1969: February 19
Tom Hayden, "Revolt in the University," 1969: February 20
Tom Hayden, "The New Left" (Panel Discussion), 1969: February 20
Paul C. Reinert, Founders Day Address, 1969: February 22
Founders Day Dinner Address, 1969: February 22
George Pake, Robert Boguslaw, Steve Taylor, Seymour Hersch, and Peter Gaspar, "Discussion of the Possible Misuse of Scientific Research," 1969: March 4
B. Davie Napier, "Man and the Prophetic," 1969: March 5
George Steiner, "The Hidden Roots of Anti-Semitism," 1969: March 23
George Steiner, "The Poetics of Freud," 1969: March 24
Vincent Harding, "The Black Perspective," 1969: March 24
Richard Meier, "The Communications Perspective on Comparative Urbanization," 1969: March 28
Egon Schwartz, "Herman Hesse, the American Youth Movement, and Problems of Literary Evaluation," 1969: April 3
Thomas H. Eliot, "State of the University," 1969: April 23
Paul D. Spreiregen, "Thoughts on the Urban and Rural Environments," 1969: April 30
William B. Edgerton, "Tolstoy after 1880: The Artist Turned Prophet," 1969: April 30
Al Shanker, "History and Problems of N.Y.C. Schools from 1967 to Date," 1969: May 2
O. J. Harvey, "Belief Systems and Teacher Behavior," 1969: May 6
Julian Bond, "The New Democratic Coalition," 1969: May 7
Charles Evers, Eliot Honors Address, 1969: June 9
J. George Harrar, Commencement Address, 1969: June 9
Reunion: Classes of 1909, 1914, 1929, 1944, and 1959, 1969: June 14
Donald Grant, "Czechoslovakia vs. USSR," 1969: July 23
Price Cobbs, "Black Rage," 1969: September 14
William Sloane Coffin, "Concerning Violence and Peace," 1969: September 15
Richard Hofstadter, "Violence in American History," 1969: October 1
George White, "What Happens to Black Americans in Vietnam?," 1969: October 7
Kenneth Boulding, "The War Industry and National Accounts," 1969: October 9
Allard Lowenstein, "Vietnam - Our Alternative," 1969: October 10
Buck Jones and Viapolas Mack, Spectrum of Black Discussion Address, 1969: October 14
George Wald, "The Human Condition," 1969: October 15
Cecelia Goldman and Luther Mitchell, "The Role of Whites in the Black Revolution," 1969: October 21
Jerome P. Schiller, "Potentiality and the Sea Battle," 1969: October 23
W. Willard Wirtz, "Architects of Change," 1969: October 23
Joseph Blatchford, "New Directions for the Peace Corps," 1969: October 29
Richard Lichtman, "Marxism Today," 1969: October 29
Richard Lichtman, "Marxism Today" (Answers), 1969: October 29
Seminar, 1969: October 30
Richard Lichtman, "Max Weber: A Marxist Critique," 1969: October 30
Richard Lichtman, "Political Ideological Function of the University and How to Change It," 1969: October 30
Richard Lichtman, "Tragedy: A Marxist View," 1969: October 31
Adlai Stevenson III, "The Quest for Excellence in Education and Politics," 1969: November 3
William Hathaway, "The Relationship of the Federal Government to Student Unrest," 1969: November 6
Ralph Nader, "Consumer Protection and Corporate Liability," 1969: November 12
Channing Phillips, "Black Responsibility—Black Protest—Black Involvement," 1969: December 3
J. William Fulbright, "The Role of the Senate in Foreign Policy," 1969: December 10
Robert Boguslaw and George Pake, "Government Research and the University," 1969: December 11
Barry Commoner, Environmental Teach-In Address, 1970: February 5
Walter Walker, "Social Work Practice and the Aspirations of Black People: Are They Compatible?," 1970: February 10
Tom Wicker, "Politics in Transition," 1970: February 11
Alfonso J. Cervantes, "Population Change and Urban Response in St. Louis," 1970: February 11
Richard Hatcher, "The Role of the Negro in Politics," 1970: February 11
Thomas Wicker, "Politics in Transition," 1970: February 11
Muky Tsur, "The Effects of Militarization on Israel," 1970: February 12
Eugene McCarthy, "Policy and Program" (Address and Panel Discussion), 1970: February 13
Amos Kenan, "Israel: A Radical Perspective," 1970: February 18
Thomas B. Curtis, "The Impact of the Knowledge Explosion on Our Institutions," 1970: February 25
John Holt, "How Education Fails," 1970: March 4
C. L. R. James, "Pan Africanism," 1970: March 13
C. L. R. James, "Black Struggles in the United States: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow," 1970: March 16
Birch Bayh, "Rhetoric vs. Reality," 1970: March 18
Martin Marty, "The Computer with Legs and the Slouching Beast: The Religious Context Today," 1970: March 18
Jesse Pitts, "The French Student Revolt," 1970: March 20
Quincy Troupe, Calvin Hernton, Eugene Redmond, and K. Kurtis Lyles, "Take A Giant Step," 1970: March 24
Willie Morris, "The National Magazine in American Life Today," 1970: April 15
Ralph Abernathy, "Chapter III of the Poor People's Campaign," 1970: April 17
Alan Turner, "New Towns in the U.S.," 1970: April 21
Lawrence Slobodkin, "Social Justice and the Environmental Crisis," 1970: April 22
Harry Magdoff, "Imperialism: Domestic Causes and Foreign Consequences," 1970: April 23
Alumni-Senior Dinner Dance, 1970: May 30
William Pollard, Thomas H. Eliot, and Charles Allen Thomas, Commencement Addresses, 1970: June 1
Leonard Hall, Eliot Honors Day Address, 1970: June 1
Eugene Schoenfeld, "Sex, Drugs, and Campus Health," 1970: October 5
Saul Alinsky, "The American Revolution, Part Two," 1970: October 7
Ethan A. H. Shepley, Edna Gellhorn Memorial Service, 1970: October 11
Allen S. Whiting, "China in the 70's," 1970: October 14
Victor Papanek, "Revolution, Social Change, and Design," 1970: October 27
Arthur Green, "The Possibility of Mysticism in a Post-Theistic Age," 1970: October 28
Gerard Piel, "From Growth to Equity," 1970: November 4
Lucius J. Barker, "The Dynamic Status Quo," 1970: November 11
John Minor Wisdom, "Federalism and Civil Rights," 1970: November 16
Richard Dudman, "Southeast Asia and American Democracy," 1970: November 16
Richard Schickel, "The New Cinema," 1970: November 18
Robert Scheer, "Report from Asia," 1970: November 24
Norman Murdoch, Ray Patton, and Eugene Moody, Panel Discussion, 1970: December 1
Lee Lockwood, "Discussion of Cuba," 1970: December 8
Frankie Freeman, "Housing Issues," 1970: December 8
Alejandro Ramirez Memorial Service Address, 1970: December 10
Walter Dean Burnham, "Continuity and Change in American Electoral Politics," 1970: December 14
Charles Koen, "Cairo, Illinois: The 21 Month Struggle for Civil Rights," 1970: December 15
Nelson Wu, "The Beginning, the Middle, and the End: The T'ao-t'ieh, the Makara, and the Ch'ih-wei: A Christmas Carol," 1970: December 17
Peter R. Phillips, "Element X: The Pot of Gold Beyond the End of the Periodic Table," 1971: January 12
Lawson Phaby, Jr., "Anti-News Phenomenon," 1971: January 28
Norman Cousins, "Environment for Survival," 1971: February 10
Malcolm Boyd, "Religion, American Style," 1971: February 11
Michael Harrington, "Quantities of the Qualities of Life," Panel discussion with Norman Cousins, Paul Nelson, Euella Scales, and Dean Ralph Garber, 1971: February 11
Ronald Dellums, "Man Against Himself: What Can Tomorrow Bring?," 1971: February 12
Katherine Oettinger, "Population Control: Individual and Societal," 1971: February 12
Norman Cousins, Ronald Dellums, and Katherine Oettinger, Panel Discussion, 1971: February 12
Lev Zetlin, "The Impact of Modern Technology of the Science of Engineering on Form and Concept of Structures," 1971: February 16
Alvin Rosenfeld, "Is Peace Possible in the Middle East?" 1971: February 17
Francis Crick, "Why I Study Biology," 1971: February 24
Founders Day Dinner Addresses, 1971: February 20
Phyllis Schlafly, "Choice - Not an Echo," 1971: February 25
James J. Martin, "On the Revising of History, or Were Napoleon and Henry Ford Right?," 1971: March 1
William L. Clay, "No Rest from Educational Unrest," 1971: March 3
Franz Shurmann, "China and the U.S.: The New Stage in the Indo-China War and How to End It," 1971: March 5
Walter Netsch, "His Recent Work and Why It Is Changing," 1971: March 9
Huston Smith, "Tao Now: An Ecological Testament," 1971: March 10
Huston Smith, "Self-Transcendence East and West" and "Man's Western Way," 1971: March 11
Bernard Presser, "Paris Commune: Are Its Lessons Relevant Today?," 1971: March 14
Josh McDowell, "The Next World War: Will It Be the Last?," 1971: March 15
John Harold Plumb, "The Functions of History," 1971: March 17
Susanne Bodenheimer, "Dependency and Imperialism in Latin America," 1971: March 19
Oliver Jackson, "Political Stance and the African Continuum," 1971: March 22
Quincy Troupe, "Confrontation: Third World Literature and the West," 1971: March 23
John A. Wheeler, "Our Universe: The Known and Unknown," 1971: March 23
Audre Lorde, "Black Women, Poetry, and Dialogue," 1971: March 25
Mrs. Joel H. Roberts, et al., "Black Womens Identity," 1971: March 25
William H. Danforth, Helen Tredway Graham Memorial Service Address, 1971: April 24
Reunion, 1971: June 5
Jean Houston, "Creativity, Genius, and the Turned-On Mind," 1971: September 22
William H. Danforth, "Chancellor Danforth: His Life Story," 1971: September 23
William H. Danforth, Discussion of the Ideals and Principals Involved in His Work as a Physician, 1971: September 23
"Women in Our Time," 1972: February 9-11, Includes: Marya Mannes, Miriam Shapiro
Betty Friedan, Women in Our Time Lecture, 1972: February 11
Mary Janney, "Options: Part-Time Opportunities," 1972: February 11
Scottie Fitzgerald Smith, "Women in the Press," 1972: February 11
Henry Margenau, "Philosophical Perspectives of Modern Sciences," 1972: April 19
Jesse Jackson, Eliot Honors Address, 1972: May 25
Barbara Ward, Commencement Address, 1972: May 25
Eli Goldston, "For the Rich It Sings," Commencement Address, 1973: May 25
Professor Feldman (Social Work), Barry Anderson (Education), Dean Hill (Business), and Marilyn Ireland (Law), Pre-Graduate Advising Day, 1972: September 22
Lentz International Peace Prize Award Ceremony Addresses, 1973: October 31
DeWitt Stetton, Jr., Commencement Address, 1974: May 19
Hyman Minsky, "The Futility of President Ford's Economic Summit," 1974: September 25
William Sale, "The Virgin Goddess: Her Scholars and Mythmakers," 1974: October 2
Thomas S. Kuhn, "Puzzles vs. Problems in Scientific Development," 1974: October 9
Josephine Johnson, "Freedom Lies in Lesbianism," 1974: October 16
Henry Nash Smith, "Mark Twain and the Myth of America," 1974: October 23
Jerald F. TerHorst, "The Presidency, the Press and the Public," 1974: October 26
Pinhas Sapir, Question and Answer Session with Jewish Students at W.U. Hillel House, 1974: November 11
Marcia Ann Gillespie, "My Name is Isabella, or Have Things Really Changed for the Black Woman?," 1974: November 13
Michael Steinberg, "Seven Ways of Looking at a "Waltz" by Chopin: What Music Critics Think About," 1974: October 30
Vincent Canby, "Film Criticism and Writing," 1975: January 22
William Gass, "Personal Identity and Dog Knowledge: Gertrude Stein on the Self," 1975: February 3
Norman Cousins, "How Albert Schweitzer Extended His Power," 1975: February 5
Roundtable Discussions for Albert Schweitzer Centennial Week, 1975: February 6 (1 of 2)
Douglas Steere, "Meditation East and West," 1975: January 4
Rhena Schweitzer Miller, Douglas Steere, Norman Cousins, Neville Grant, Yvonne Logan, Richard Parker, and Mary Mangan Roundtable Discussions for Albert Schweitzer Centennial Week, 1975: February
Albert Schweitzer Centennial Week, 1975: February 5-7, speakers include: Rhena Schweitzer Miller, Vernon Burke, James Doyle, Carl Wellman, Hugh Chaplin, J.F. Hornback, Robert Brun, S.J.
Richard Hayes, Kurt Hohenemser, Jerome Hollenhorst, "The Nuclear Arms Race: Can It Be Stopped?," 1975: February 7
Victor LeVine, "African Problems," 1975: February 7
James M. Robinson, "The New Quest of Historical Jesus," 1975: February 10
Jackson Lee Ice, "Schweitzer: Prophet of Radical Theology," 1975: February 11
Herbert Spiegelberg, "Memories of Albert Schweitzer," 1975: February 11
John Canaday, Leonard Slatkin, David Jones, and Professor Johnson, "What Is the State of Art in Contemporary America and Where Is It Going?," 1975: February 12
Fred Wiseman, "Fred Wiseman Looks at American Institutions," 1975: February 26
Soia Mentschikoff, "Differential Perception of Legal Problems," 1975: March 5
Art Buchwald, Monologue, 1975: March 1
Paul W. McCracken, "Can the World Economy Survive?," 1975: March 28
Victor F. Weisskopf, "Frontiers and Limits of Science," 1975: April 9
Juanita Kreps, "Women in Academia," 1975: April 16
Seymour Hersh, "The CIA and the Press," 1975: April 23
Lynn Margulis, "Early Evolution of Life on Earth," 1975: April 30
Eugene Feenberg, Address, 1975: March 20
Albert William Levi , Commencement Address, 1975: May 23
John David Vavra, "The Psychology of Death and Dying," 1975: October 8
Evelyn Reed, "Woman's Evolution and Human Nature," 1975: October 22
Marshall Cohen, "The Nature and Status of the Humanities," 1975: November 5
Richard Allen Goldsby, "Race and Races: The IQ Controversy," 1975: November 19
Renée C. Fox, "Organ Transplants," 1975: December 2
Muhammad Ali, Informal Remarks and Excerpts from "Heart" Lecture, 1975: December 5
Daniel Curzon, "A Short History of Gay Literature, or Perversion Made Simple," 1975: December 10
Louis Farrakhan, "Address on the Nation of Islam," 1976: January 20
David Brinkley, Founders Day Address, 1976: March 6
Alix Kates Shulman, "The Politics of Writing," 1976: April 21
Robert K. Merton, "The Reward System in Science," 1976: April 22
Murray Weidenbaum and John Roach, "Education for Public Services: A Critical Evaluation," 1976: May 5
Ada Louise Huxtable, "The City: An Architectural Historian's View," 1976: May 20
Clark M. Clifford, Commencement Address, 1976: May 21
Bill Mauldin, "The Role of the Political Cartoonist," 1976: September 8
Thomas S. Hall, "The Perception of the Possible," 1976: September 15
Paul McCloskey, "Can America Survive?," 1975: September 17
Eleanor Maccoby, "Sex Differences: An Overview," 1976: September 22
Richard Adams, "Education for Literature," 1976: September 29
Shirley Chisholm, "The Future of American Politics," 1976: October 6
Walter Dean Burnham, "The 1976 Election and the Future of American Politics," 1976: October 13
Charles W. Maynes, "A U.N. Policty for the Next Administration," 1976: November 10
Ramsey Clark and Reza Baraheni, "U.S. Foreign Policy and Political Repression in Iran," 1976: November 17
Kenneth Wooden, "Weeping in the Playtime of Others: America's Incarcerated Children," 1976: December 1
Sheila Tobias, "Math Anxiety," 1977: January 26
Herbert Marcuse, "The New Left: Ten Years After," 1977: March 2
Lewis M. Branscomb, "Science in the White House—A New Start," 1977: March 3
John Szarkowski, "Photography," 1977: March 9
Irving Howe, "The East European Jewish Immigrant and American Culture," 1977: March 23
Bernard T. Feld, "Nuclear Energy without Nuclear Weapons Proliferation," 1977: March 24
Alex Haley, "The Saga of Black History," 1977: March 30
David Brion Davis, "The Problem of American Boundaries: Varieties of Freedom and Limitation," 1977: April 6
John J. McCloy, "Reflections on the Lawyer as Public Servant," 1977: April 6
John Harold Plumb, "The Acceptance of Modernity," 1977: April 13
George Steiner, "The Uncertain Future of Truth," 1977: April 20
William "Fishbait" Miller, Lecture, 1977: August 31
H. Stuart Hughes, "An Historian as Political Participant," 1977: September 21
Sally Quinn, "Women in the News," 1977: September 28
Charles Eames, "A Reasonable Intersection of Science, Art, the Humanities and Social Concerns" Symposium, 1977: September 12
Frederick Koss, "Charismatic Figures in History: Jesus, Lenin, Hitler, and Elijah Muhammad," 1977: October 5
Burton Wheeler, "Per Veritatem...," 1977: October 12
Alan Paton, "A Total View of South Africa," 1977: October 26
Steering Committee, "Men and Maculinity" Pre-Conference Discussion, 1977: October 28
Gail Sheehy, "Who Is Afraid of Growing Up?," 1977: November 9
Gail Sheehy, "A Hearing," 1977: November 10
Ruby Dee, Black Arts and Sciences Festival Lecture, 1977: November 16
C. B. Baker, "Hunger Amidst Plenty," 1977: November 22
Tom Brokaw, "Good News; Bad News," 1977: October 8
William H. Danforth, Man of the Year Award, 1978: January 6
John Houseman, "Seven Theatres," 1978: January 25
Elie Wiesel, "The Modern Jewish Experience," 1978: February 1
Morris K. Udall, "The On-Rushing 1980s: Hard Choices Ahead," 1978: February 15
Cyril S. Smith, "Parts, Wholes and History," 1978: March 1
Daniel Ellsberg, "The U.S.'s Secret War on Human Rights," 1978: March 15
Ralph Nader, Address, 1978: March 15
Ernest Nagel, "The Supremacy of Method," 1978: March 22
Nikki Giovanni, Reading and Commentary, 1978: March 29
Harry A. Blackmun, "John Jay: The First Chief Justice," 1978: April 5
Leo Marx, "Thoreau and the Misguided Defense of the Environment," 1978: April 11
Frederik Pohl, "Science Fiction: Fact or Fantasy?," 1978: August 30
Philip Sarrel, "Sexual Unfolding," 1978: September 6
James Kirkwood, "A Chorus Line: Reading and Commentary," 1978: December 13
Lewis Coser, "The Social Roots of Intellectual Life," 1978: September 20
Lawrence Steefel, Jr., "Edward Hopper: The Night Here is Solid Black" 1978: September 28
Sir Peter Medawar and Lady Jean Medawar, "What Does Science Have to Say About Women?," 1978: October 11
William Webster, Founder's Day Address, 1978: October 14
George Palade, Andrew Benson, James Black, Peter Medawar, Har Gobind Khorana, Walter Bodmer, and Andrew Huxley, Biomedical Symposium, 1978: October 16
Thomas Nagel, "Quest for Equality" Panel Discussion, 1978: November 1
Joseph Campbell, "The Masks of God," 1978: November 15
George Mylonas, "Recent Archaeology in Greece," 1978: November 15
Erwin Griswold, "Racial Preferences and Scarce Resources: Implications of the Bakke Decision," 1978: November 29
Harry Edwards, Merton Bernstein, and Antonin Scalia, "Equal Employment Panel Discussion," 1979: January 17
Ralph K. Winter, Jr., Jesse Troper, and Margaret Bush Wilson, "Private Sphere Panel: Schools, Clubs, and Monopolies," 1979: March 14
Gerald Izenberg, "The Place of Liberal Arts in Modern Education," 1979: March 21
William H. McNeill, "Diseases in History," 1979: April 25
Daniel Nathans, "The Education of a Scientist," 1979: May 17
Garry Wills, "Inventing America," 1979: August 29
Jonathan Spence, "Chinese Echoes: Emperor Kangxi in Current Perspective," 1979: September 12
Jill Ker Conway, "What Are the Prospects for Women in the Professions?," 1979: September 19
Michael Harrington, "Social Priorities for the 1980's," 1979: October 3
Judith Crist, "The Role of the Critic," 1979: October 10
Helen Caldicott, "The Medical Hazards of Nuclear Power," 1979: October 11
Morley Safer, Founders Day Address, 1979: October 13
Abraham B. Yehoshua, "The Diaspora: The Neurotic Solution," 1979: October 17
John Stoessinger, "After the Peace Treaty: The Middle East Today," 1979: October 24
Cesar Chavez, "A Talk with Members of Student Press," 1979: November 5
Alain Robbe-Grillet, "Le Roman et la Liberte," 1979: October 25
Alain Robbe-Grillet, "Roman/Cinema/Peinture," 1979: October 26
Ed Bradley, "Freedom of the Press," 1979: November 7
Daniel Gray Thomas, Dan Bolef, Henry Berger, and Stephen Graham, "Birds of Passage: Washington University's Student Movement in Retrospect" Panel Discussion, 1979: November 8
Martin Marty, "Modernity: Religious Discontents," 1979: November 28
Carl Degler, "Women in the Making of the Modern Family," 1979: December 5
Ken Hall, David Crafts, Robert Canfield, Walle Amusa, and Marty Anderson, Public Forum on the Iranian Crisis, 1979: December 9
Nat Hentoff, "Public Education: America'a Most Dangerous Problem," 1980: January 16
Alvin Gouldner, Jean Cohen, and Dick Howard, "Panel 1: Theories of Bureaucracy," 1979
Mark Poster, Russell Jacoby, and Joel Kovel, "Panel 2: Problems of Individual Autonomy," 1979
Stuart Ewen, John Fekete, Jack Zipes, and Oskar Negt, "Panel 3: Culture Industry," 1979
Dan Bolef, Ellen Irons, Richard Moss, Barry Commoner, Andrew Arato, and Jadwiga Staniszkis, "Panel 4: Planning and Technology," 1979
Robert D'amico, Murray Bookchin, Paul Breines, and David Noble, "Panel 5: De-Bureaucratization," 1979
Paul Piccone, Andrew Arato, James R. Watson, Carl Boggs, Panel 6: Emancipatory Possibilities, 1979
Laura Nader, "The Meaning of 'Law and Order,' " 1980: January 30
Chhang Song, "Crisis in Cambodia," 1980: February 13
Oleg Grabar, "Medieval Jerusalem, a City at the Crossroads of Culture," 1980: February 20
Rosemary Haughton, "A Passionate God," 1980: February 6
Richard S. Dawson, Robert Williams, Daniel I. Bolef, Henry W. Berger, Alan Howes, and Phillip Ray Powell, "Into the Quagmire?: The State of the Union and the International Crisis," 1980: February 10
Francis Crick, "Human DNA," 1980: March 5
Cardiss Collins, "1980 Elections: What to Look For," 1980: April 2
Burton Wheeler, "The Future of American Universities," 1980: March 19
Merle Kling, Peter Ruger, Allan Burstein, David Kirk, and Robert Blackburn, "University Resources and Constraints in Coming Decades" (Panel Discussion), 1980: March 19
Jane Anton, Leonard Green, Edward McClennen, Richard DeCharms, and Bill Caspary, "Knowledge, Learning and Teaching: Competing Theories of Learning and Their Application in the Classroom," 1980: March 20
Barry Lynn, Harold Jordan, George Curry, J. Milnor Roberts, Yvonne Logan, Robert Clayton Mudd, and Donald Eberly, "Resolved: That America's Youth Be Registered for a Draft," 1980: March 25
Robert Rosenblum, "Miro, Picasso, and the Spanish Grotesque, "1980: April 9
J. H. Matthews, "Joan Miro: The Surrealist Context," 1980: April 18
José Luis Sert, "Miro: The Man, His Work," 1980: April 9
Clark Clifford, "In the 80s: Will It Be World Peace or World War?," 1980: March 26
Jack Eisner, "Teenage Resistance in the Holocaust," 1980: April 9
Quentin Bell, "Bloomsbury by the Sea," 1980: April 10
Lawrence Stone, "Love and Marriage in Eighteenth Century England," 1980: April 16
Ralph Nader, "Issues for the 80s," 1980: April 18
Robert Williams, "The Historian and Three Mile Island: Utopia Encircled," 1980: April 23
Norman Podhoretz, "The Present Danger: American Foreign Policy in the 80's," 1980: September 3
Andrew Young, "American Foreign Policy," 1980: September 10
Norris K. Smith, "Standpoint, Piranesi, and the Coming Elections," 1980: September 17
Douglas Kiker, "Campaign '80," 1980: September 24
Pearl Bailey, Founders Day Address, 1980: October 11
William Shirer, "Social Justice in a World of Shrinking Resources and Rising Poverty," 1980: October 29
Richard Lyman, "Whatever Happened to the American Century?," 1980: November 5
Wilma Scott Heide, "Contracepting Sexism: For the Health of It," 1980: November 12
Edward Feld, "Faith After the Holocaust: Ethical Survivalism," 1980: November 19
Carlos Fuentes, "A Time for Writing," 1980: December 3
Michel Rybalka and Oreste Pucciani, "Introduction to Sartre, 1980: November 19
Oreste Pucciani, Roundtable Discussion, 1980: November 19
William Gass, "Sartre and the Form of the Novel," 1980: November 19
Herbert Spiegelberg, "Sartre's Last Word on Ethics: Hope and Failures," 1980: November 20
Albert William Levi, "Discussion of Herbert Spiegelberg's Presentation," 1980: November 20
Frithjof Bergmann, "Sartre: Metaphors of the Mind," 1980: November 20
Alvin Gouldner, "Sartre and the Intellectuals," 1980: November 20
Steven Schwarzschild, "Sartre on Jews," 1980: November 20
Joseph Schraibman, "Discussion of Steven Schwarzchild's Presentation," 1980: November 20
Hazel E. Barnes, "Sartre and Literature: A Lover's Quarrel," 1980: November 21
Gerald Izenberg, "Existential Psychoanalysis," 1980: November 21
Frank Church, "Wish List for the New Administration," 1981: January 21
J. Thomas Rimer, III; Paul Lutzeler; and Christopher Jackson, "About Kurt Weill" (Roundtable Discussion), 1981: January 22
Matthew Fox, "Compassion: The Road Where Eastern and Western Mysticism Meet," 1981: January 22
William Winpisinger, "The American Labor Movement," 1981: February 4
Parker Palmer, "Teaching and Learning: How Truth Changes Us," 1981: February 11
Chuck Jones, "Animation," 1981: February 18
Chaim Potok, "An Hour with Chaim Potok," 1981: February 25
William F. May, "Adversarialism in America," 1981: March 4
Wade H. McCree, "The Solicitor General and His Client," 1981: March 18
Walter E. Massey, "Science and Education in a Democratic Society," 1981: March 25
Maya Angelou, "The Many Facets of Maya Angelou," 1981: April 1
Wade Rathke, "The Community Organizing Movement," 1981: April 8
Stephen Jay Gould, "Evolutionary Hopes and Realities," 1981: April 10
Margaret Bush Wilson, Law and Business Century Alumni Club Address, 1981: April 22
William Arrowsmith, "The Poem as Palimpsest: T. S. Eliot's "Lune de Miel,"" 1981: April 22
Alex Goldfarb, "Social and Political Problems for Scientists in the Soviet Union," 1981: April 22
George Plimpton, "Amateur Among the Pros," 1981: April 24
Richard L. Admussen Memorial Service, 1981: May 4
Horst W. Janson, Art Gallery Centennial Exhibition Lecture Address, 1981: May 15
William Bradley, Address, 1981: September 2
Nicholas von Hoffman, "What Pronoun After the Me Generation?," 1981: September 9
Rowland Evans, Jr., "The Prospects for Conservatism," 1981: September 16
Noel J. Brown, "The Caribbean: Opportunities for International Cooperation," 1981: October 2
Betty Friedan, "Women and Power: Realities for the Eighties," 1981: October 7
Abba Eban, "Prospects for Peace in the Middle East: Reality or Fantasy?," 1981: October 10
Edward L. Bowles, "Tinkering and Skulduggery: Alexander Graham Bell and the Patenting of the Telephone," 1981: October 13
Edward L. Bowles, "Larceny vs. Integrity: Early Patents in Electronics," 1981: October 14
Mike Peters, "Confessions of a Former Student Life Cartoonist," 1981: October 14
Harry W. Jones, "The Rule of Law: English Themes and American Variations," 1981: October 21
Charles H. King, Jr., "Personal Prejudice and Strategies for Personal and Community Change," 1981: October 22
Richard N. Gardner, "Soviet Imperialism and Euro-Communism," 1981: October 28
Walter E. Fauntroy, "Facing a Changing Tomorrow with Reflections on the Past," 1981: November 4
Lewis Lapham, "The American Ideal, "1981: November 11
Uta Hagen, "On Stage: Acting, Performing and the Theatre," 1981: November 18
Robert Drinan, "Liberalism Under Reagan," 1981: December 7
John Irving, "Remarks on His New Novel, The Cider House Rules," 1981: December 9
John B. Anderson, "On Reagonomics," 1982: January 20
Joel Rembaum, "Jewish-Christian Polemics: A Study in Ambivalence," 1982: January 27
Jerome A. Cohen, "China's Quest for Law," 1982: January 28
Gregory Benford, "Science, Fiction, and Things in Between," 1982: February 10
Sister José Hobday, "Seeking a Moist Heart: Native American Ways for Helping the Spirit," 1982: February 17
Carl Cohen, "The University and Its Political and Moral Controversies," 1982: March 3
Donald Johanson, "Current Perspectives of Mankind's Evolutionary Past," 1982: March 3
Paul Simon, "The Tongue-Tied American," 1982: March 17
Irving Kaufman, "The Child in Trouble: The Long and Difficult Roade to Reforming the Crazy Quilt Juvenile Justice System," 1982: March 24
Coretta Scott King, "Ideals and Actions for a Non-Violent Social Revolution," 1982: April 7
Alec Cairncross, "World Inflation Forever?," 1982: April 13
Jorge Luis Borges, Lecture, 1982: April 12
Quentin Skinner, "Liberty and 'Fortune': The History of a Relationship," 1982: April 14
Howard Sachar, "Israel and America: Do the Ties Still Bind?," 1982: April 21
Bert Röling, "The Impact of Nuclear Technology on International Law," 1982: April 28
Patrick Leahy, "Is There a Solution to the Riddle of El Salvador?," 1982: April 26
Howard Nemerov, Reading and Commentary, 1982: September 1
Arthur R. Miller, "Privacy vs. Publicity," 1982: September 8
Cynthia Ozick, Reading and Commentary, 1982: September 15
Ian Watt, "Jane Austen and the Tradition of Comic Aggression," 1982: September 22
David H. Hubel, "Architecture of Striate Cortex: Advances in the Past Two Years," 1982: September 23
William J. Bennett, "Technology and the Misunderstood Humanities," 1982: September 29
Seymour Melman, "Peace and the Economy," 1982: October 7
Thomas H. Eliot, "Something Wonderful: A New Dealer Remembers," 1982: October 13
Rosalyn Yalow, "Radioactivity in the Service of Humanity," 1982: October 20
A. Leon Higginbotham, Jr., "The Judiciary and Social Change for the Eighties," 1982: October 27
Donald Kennedy, "The Social Sponsorship of Innovation," 1982: November 3
Beverly Sills, "Women in the Performing Arts," 1982: November 10
David Broder, "The American Political Scene," 1982: November 17
Richard Scammon, "Looking Forward: Taking America's Pulse," 1983: January 19
Daniel Berrigan, "Nuclear Arms and Civic Responsibility," 1983: January 26
Fox Butterfield, "China: Alive in the Bitter Sea—A Personal View of China," 1983: February 2
Joan Mondale, "Joan Mondale: Arts Advocate," 1983: February 9
Murray Weidenbaum, "Economic Problems and Prospects for the 1980's," 1983: February 16
Arthur Macy Cox, "Russian Roulette: The Superpower Game," 1983: March 2
John Rassias, "The Classroom as Theater," 1983: March 16
Griffin Bell, "New Dimensions in Trial Practice," 1983: March 23
George Pake, "Technological Leadership: An American Achievement in Jeopardy," 1983: March 30
Lou Brock, "Sports and Society," 1983: April 1
Earl Graves, "New Strategies for Black Economic Development in the 1980s," 1983: April 6
Charles Muscatine, "The Fabliaux in Medieval French Culture," 1983: April 7
Carlos Fuentes, "On Gabriel García Márquez," 1983: April 13
Margaret Atwood, Reading and Commentary, 1983: April 20
Robert Hunter, "Superpowers in the Middle East," 1983: April 27
Lewis Thomas, "On Social Science," 1983: April 28
Morton May Memorial Service, 1983: May 12
Merle Kling, "Academic Honors and Corkball," 1983: May 19
Leslie Tucker, John Harold Plumb, and Joe Jacobson, Commencement, 1983: May 20
Czeslaw Milosz, Reading and Commentary, 1983: September 7
William Appleman Williams, "The Comparative History of Intercontinental Missiles: The United States and the Uses of Global Power," 1983: September 14
Robert Megarry, "Litigation in England Today: Beneath the Surface," 1983: September 21
Mary McCarthy, Reading and Commentary, 1983: September 28
Guy Pierre Pfeffermann, "World Debt: New Strategies Toward Solution," 1983: October 3
Henry Steele Commager, "Tocqueville's Democracy in America: One Hundred Years Later," 1983: October 5
John Ciardi, "The Unknown American Language (and How It Grew)," 1983: October 12
Robin Morgan, "Sisterhood and the Women's Revolution," 1983: October 19
Huston Smith, "Richer by Asia," 1983: October 19
Pamela White Hadas, Reading, 1983: October 26
Virginia V. Weldon, "Out of the Temple and into the Market Place: Changing Perspectives in Medicine," 1983: November 2
Louis Farrakhan, "Leadership for Today and Tomorrow," 1983: November 9
Mario Vargas Llosa, "A Writer and His Words," 1983: November 11
Elie Abel, "Global Information: The New Battleground," 1983: November 17
William E. Leuchtenburg, "In the Shadow of FDR," 1984: January 25
Michael Manley, "Grenada, the Caribbean, and U.S. Relations," 1984: February 1
Maya Angelou, Reading and Commentary, 1984: February 8
Ronald J. Sider, "American Public Policy: A Christian Perspective," 1984: February 15
Noam Chomsky, "The Deadly Connection: Intervention and Nuclear War," 1984: February 22
Carlos Fuentes, "Chile, A Memory," 1984: February 29
Peter H. Raven, "U.S.-Third World Flash Point: Tropical Deforestation," 1984: March 13
Henry G. Cisneros, "The Internationalization of American Life," 1984: March 14
John G. Kemeny, "The Impact of Computers on Society," 1984: March 21
Barry Bluestone, "Deindustrialization and Dualism: The Employment Crisis in America," 1984: March 22
Eugene McCarthy, "1984: Eugene McCarthy's View," 1984: March 28
Ronald V. Dellums, "Forward Together: The Challenge of Oneness," 1984: March 30
Michael Eliot Howard, "America and the Wider World: A European Perspective," 1984: April 4
Linda Bradley Salamon, Michel Rybalka, Howard Nemerov, Naomi Lebowitz, Marcel Muller, and William Gass, Proust Roundtable, 1984: April 6
Serge Doubrovsky, "Proust: The Body of the Text and the Text of the Body," 1984: April 6
Michael Eliot Howard, "The Road to Somme: The Making of the Great War, Part I," 1984: April 10
Julian Jaynes, "Consciousness and Voices of the Mind," 1984: April 11
Rosemary Stevens, "American Medicine: 1984-2001," 1984: April 18
Michael Eliot Howard, "A Military Historian's View of World War II," 1984: April 12
Michael Eliot Howard, "The Road to Somme: The Making of the Great War, Part II," 1984: April 17
Michael Eliot Howard, "The Road to Somme: The Making of the Great War, Part III," 1984: April 24
Joseph Raz, "Freedom, Politics, and the Law," 1984: April 25
Daniel Shea," Tom and Huck and Alice and Hank," 1984: May 17
Bob Hope, Commencement Address, 1984: May 18
Philip Habib and Jeremy Fostaker, Commencement, 1985: May 17
Ted Koppel, "Deterioration of American Standards and American Journalism," 1986: April 5
Paul Simon, Commencement Address, 1986: May 16
William George Hyland, Commencement Address, 1987: May 15
Richard Reeves, "The American Journey Following de Tocqueville," 1984: September 12
Walter Mondale, Campaign Appearance, 1984: September 14
Elizabeth Holtzman, "The Future of American Women in Politics," 1984: September 19
Natalie Zemon Davis, "From Alms to Bribes: The Gift in 16th Century France," 1984: September 26
David Shipler, "Russia," 1984: October 3
Jonathan Spence, "China and the West: A Sixteenth-Century Definition of Cultural Exchange," 1984: October 10
Morton Kondracke, "The Reagan Presidency: How It Works and Doesn't," 1984: October 17
Tony Brown, "Plan for the '80s," 1984: October 24
Blanche Wiesen Cook, "Eleanor Roosevelt and the Quest for Human Rights," 1984: October 24
Juanita Kreps, "From Access to Ascent: The New Challenge for Professional Women," 1984: October 31
Michael Harrington, "America: The Next Four Years," 1984: November 8
Lisa Birnbach, "How to Make College the Happiest Decade of Your Life," 1984: November 14
Donald Barthelme, Reading and Commentary, 1984: November 28
Oscar Handlin, "Subversive Learning: A Talk About Libraries," 1984: December 5
Meir Kahane, "Israel: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow," 1985: January 21
Stanley Elkin, Reading from The Magic Kingdom, 1985: January 23
Douglass C. North, "Political Economy in Historical Perspective," 1985: January 30
Mancur Olson, "Beyond the Measuring Rod of Money: Toward a Unification of Economics and Social Science," 1985: February 6
William Least Heat-Moon, "Blue Highways," 1985: February 13
Orlando Costas, "Liberation Theologies in the Americas: Common Journeys and Mutual Challenges," 1985: February 27
Bill Bradley, "U.S.-Western European Relations," 1985: March 13
William Webster, "Sophisticated Surveillance: Intolerable Intrusion or Prudent Protection?," 1985: March 14
Seymour Menton, "Magic Realism: 1918-1981," 1985: March 20
Bruno Bettelheim, "How to Think About Violence," 1985: March 27
Benjamin Lawson Hooks, "The Outlook for Minorities in the '80s," 1985: April 3
John Maddox, "What Is Science For?," 1985: April 10
Constantine Michaelides, James W. Fitzgibbon Memorial Service, 1985: April 16
Rosalynn Carter, "Years in the White House," 1985: April 17
Mona Van Duyn, Reading and Commentary, 1985: April 24
Hanna Holborn Gray, "On the Vocation for Liberal Learning," 1985: May 16
Howard Wolpe, "South Africa: Time Has Run Out," 1985: September 9
John Ashbery, Reading and Commentary, 1985: September 11
Jeane Kirkpatrick, "Nature and Evolution of the United Nations," 1985: September 17
Syndney Schanberg, "Journalism in World Affairs," 1985: September 18
Stephen Jay Gould, "Individuals," 1985: August 28
Calvin Trillin, "Humor in America: Observing the (Harry) Golden Rule," 1985: October 2
Warner Berthoff, " 'The People's Author': Attempting to Find Mr. Mark Twain," 1985: October 2
Josef Škvorecký, Reading from his parody of Twain's The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calveras County, 1985: October 3
Wayne Fields, "When the Fences Are Down: Language and Order in Huckleberry Finn," 1985: October 3
Warner Berthoff, Wayne Fields, William Gass, Daniel Shea, and Josef Škvorecký, "The Writer Twain and the Writers' Twain" Roundtable Discussion, 1985: October 3
Bernard Bailyn, "History and the Creative Imagination," 1985: October 9
Richard Pipes, "Revolution and the Lawless Society: Russia in 1918," 1985: October 10
Bernard Bailyn, "Peopling of British North America: Worlds in Motion," 1985: October 15
Frederick Mote, "Love, Poetry and Politics in Sixteenth Century China," 1985: October 16
Samuel C. Florman, "The Existential Pleasures of Engineering: A Generation Later," 1985: October 23
Hans Küng, "Where Is Christianity Going?," 1985: October 23
Bernard Bailyn, "Peopling of North America: A Doomsday Book for the Periphery," 1985: October 29
Sharry Langdale, "The Values of Women and Men: Are There Differences?," 1985: October 30
Maxine Waters, "Africans and African-Americans: The Ties That Bind," 1985: November 7
Harvey Cox, "Religion in the Secular City," 1985: November 13
Martha Layne Collins, "Women, Politics and Government," 1985: November 20
Martin Feldstein, "The Future of Economic Policy," 1985: December 4
David Ostrow, AIDS Awareness Week Lecture, 1986: January 14
Gloria Steinem, "Second Wave: Women of the Eighties," 1986: January 22
William A. Fowler, "The Quest for the Origin of the Elements," 1986: February 5
Dith Pran, "The Killing Fields," 1986: February 12
Albert M. Sacks, "Judicial Creativity and Stare Decisis: Twin Ingredients of the Rule of Law," 1986: February 19
Thomas Szasz, "The Nature of Mental Illness," 1986: February 20
Seyyed Hossein Nasr, "Islamic Thought in the Contemporary World," 1986: February 26
Isabel Allende, Reading and Commentary, 1986: March 5
Vincent Schoemehl, "St. Louis, Foreign Languages and an International Future," 1986: March 19
John Archibald Wheeler, "Inside Soviet Science: Promise and Peril," 1986: March 26
Stephen E. Toulmin, "The Cultural Crisis of the Early 17th Century: Modern Philosophy and the Religious Wars," 1986: March 28
Yolanda King, "America's Civil Rights Movement Past, Present and Future," 1986: April 2
Ted Koppel, "Deterioration of American Standards and American Journalism," 1986: April 5
Hirsh Goodman, "Perspectives on the Middle East," 1986: April 7
Mario Vargas Llosa, "The Culture of Freedom," 1986: April 9
Mario Vargas Llosa, "Madame Bovary: An Unrequited Passion," 1986: April 15
Lionel Casson, "Travel in the Ancient World," 1986: April 16
Mario Vargas Llosa, "The Birth of Peru," 1986: April 22
Marvin Minsky, "The Society of Mind," 1986: April 23
Mario Vargas Llosa, "The Green House: The Story of a Novel," 1986: April 29
David Konig, "How Life Imitates Baseball," 1986: May 15
Howard Nemerov, "Some Poems Instead of a Sermon," 1986: September 3
Bill Moyers, "Media, News, and the Importance of History," 1986: September 10
Charles Silberman, "Judaism Is Alive and Well and Flourishing in America," 1986: September 10
Douglass C. North, "From the Annals of Intellectual Property: The Printer's Luther," 1986: September 17
James David Barber, "The Drift to Fiction in Contemporary Politics," 1986: September 24
Harrison Salisbury, "The Long March," 1986: October 1
Robert Rosenblum, "Neo-Movements in Twentieth-Century Art," 1986: October 2
Thomas Bishop, "Samuel Beckett: The Temptations of Silence," 1986: October 15
Roy P. Mottahedeh, "World's Last Scholastics: The Shi'ite Clergy," 1986: October 15
Ruby Dee, Black Arts and Sciences Festival Address, 1986: October 22
Edna O'Brien, Reading and Commentary, 1986: October 29
Pepper Schwartz, "What's Happening to the Family?: Intimacy and Marriage in the 1980s," 1986: November 5
Pepper Schwartz, Question and Answer Session, 1986: November 5
Leo Steinberg, "Interrupted Reading: How Men Have Perceived Women from the 14th Century through Modern Advertising," 1986: November 12
Rosemary Ruether, "Feminism As a New World View," 1986: November 19
Asa Briggs, "Age of Broadcasting," 1987: January 12
Arthur M. Schlesinger, "Cycles of American History," 1987: January 21
Rex Lee, "Oral Argument in the Supreme Court: May It Please the Court (And May It Not Be a Disaster for Me)," 1987: January 28
Manuel Puig, "Literature and Film," 1987: February 3
Gary Larson, "A View from the Far Side," 1987: February 4
Robert Anastas, "You Drink…You Drive…You Die," 1987: February 5
Ellen Goodman, "A Matter of Values," 1987: February 11
Ali Mazrui, "Cultural Forces in World Politics: A Third World Perspective," 1987: February 18
Frederick Grimes, "Bach in Graham," 1987: February 18
Ray Brady, "What's Ahead for the Economy?," 1987: February 25
James Rupert, "Afghanistan's Hidden War: The Personal and Political Perspectives of a Foreign Correspondent," 1987: February 26
John Esposito, "The Politics of Islamic Fundamentalism," 1987: March 4
William Webster, Address, 1987: March 6
Vassily Aksyonov, "Censorship and Circumspection: The Writer in the Soviet Union," 1987: March 18
Reinaldo Arenas, Reading and Commentary, 1987: March 19
Manfred Weiss, "Western European Employee Participation in Management Decision Making: What Lessons for the U.S.?," 1987: March 23
Naomi Tutu-Seavers, "The Legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King," 1987: March 25
Robert Nozick, "Philosophy of the Bonds of Intimacy: Love and Friendship," 1987: March 31
George Kennedy, "Helen of Troy and Mythology and Literature," 1987: April 1
George Kennedy, "The Late Antique Helen," 1987: April 7
George Kennedy, "The Romantic Helen I: The European Continent," 1987: April 14
George Kennedy, "The Romantic Helen II: England and America," 1987: April 21
Harold Bloom, "Shakespeare's Originality: Hamlet, Falstaff, Shylock," 1987: April 2
Ben Bova, "The Future: Predicting It and Planning for It," 1987: April 8
Eric Wolf, "In Search of Culture," 1987: April 15
Tom Wicker, "Iran-Contra Affair," 1987: April 22
Eliot Honors Convocation, 1987: May 14
Lalith Athulathmudali, "Terrorism in Sri Lanka: A Democracy in Crisis," 1987: June 22
Anthony Lewis, "The Constitution: Power and Freedom," 1987: September 2
Richard Selzer, "The Surgeon as a Writer," 1987: September 9
Jaroslav Pelikan, "Changing Pictures of the Reformation in the 20th Century," 1987: September 16
Freeman Dyson, "Engineers' Dreams: Trying to Understand Why Some Things Work and Others Don't," 1987: September 23
Ephraim Katchalski-Katzir, "A Scientist As President of a State: Israel's Achievement, Problems, and Future," 1987: September 29
Toru Haga, "Larger Context of East-West Artistic Relationships, 1987: October 2
Genevieve Lacambre, "Paris, A Center for the Arts, 1880-1925," 1987: October 2
J. Thomas Rimer, "Ideas of Paris in Tokyo," 1987: October 1
Robert Rosenblum, "Franco-Japanese Accent in Modern Painting," 1987: October 1
John Rosenfield, "Japanese Art: Great Traditions and Outside Influence," 1987: October 1
Shuji Takashina, "School of Paris and Art Schools in Japan," 1987: October 1
Paris in Japan Roundtable, 1987: September 30
Carol P. Christ, "Women and Religion: The Challenge of the Prehistoric Goddesses," 1987: October 7
Adolfo Pérez Esquivel, "Nonviolence and Social Change in Latin America," 1987: October 14
Fazlur Rahman, "The Islamization Process in the Contemporary Muslim World: Pros and Cons," 1987: October 21
June E. Osborn, "The AIDS Epidemic: The Public Health Issue of the 80's," 1987: October 28
Tony Brown, "Plan for the '90s," 1987: November 4
Frank Kermode, "Poetry and History," 1987: November 11
Bryant Gumbel, "Television and the News Media," 1987: November 11
Presentation for Dean Churchwell, 1987: March 15
William L. Clay, "On Black Progress: The Continued Dream," 1988: January 20
Robert L. Wilken, "The Land of Israel: A Christian Holy Land in Byzantine Times," 1988: January 27
Henry Hampton, "Eyes on the Prize: America's Civil Rights Years," 1988: February 10
Vine Deloria, Jr., "At the Edges of Cultures," 1988: February 17
Susan Stamberg, "What Do We Have to Say?," 1988: February 24
Tu Wei-Ming, "Confucian Way of Learning to Be Human," 1988: March 2
J. Hillis Miller, "Face to Face: Plato's Protagoras as Model for Research in the Humanities," 1988: March 3
Paul Doty, "Reversing the Arms Race? The Changing Nuclear Confrontation," 1988: March 9
William Safire, "What's Going to Happen in Washington," 1988: March 23
Edwin E. Catmull, "Mixing Science, Entertainment, and Business," 1988: March 30
Helen Suzman, "Will South Africa Survive?," 1988: April 5
Mary Frances Berry, Martin Luther King Symposium Address, 1988: April 6
Mary Wickes, "In the Draft of an Open Mind," 1988: April 12
Oliver Wright, "Anglo-Irish Relations: The Sins of the Fathers," 1988: April 13
Oliver Wright, "Britain and America: The Atlantic Grows Wider," 1988: April 19
Robert Scholes, "Why Bother? Reflections on the Current State of Culture and Society," 1988: April 20
Oliver Wright, "Britain and Europe: The Twin Pillars of the Alliance," 1988: April 21
Oliver Wright, "The Thatcher Revolution: The Renaissance of Britain," 1988: April 26
Donald Woods, "Cry Freedom: Apartheid and the Tragedy of South Africa," 1988: April 27
Howard Nemerov, Reading and Commentary, 1988: August 31
Jules Feiffer, "The Political Cartoonist and the Media," 1988: September 7
Flora Lewis, "A Changing Europe," 1988: September 14
Walter E. Massey, "An Education for the Second Millenium," 1988: September 22
Frank Kermode, "T.S. Eliot: The Last Classic?," 1988: September 28
Leon A. Higginbotham, "Racism and the American Legal Process," 1988: September 29
Carlos Fuentes, "Latin America: The Culture of Crisis," 1988: October 3
Marilyn French, "The Politics of Motherhood," 1988: October 5
Philip Glass, David Henry Hwang, and Jerome Sirlin, "The Creation of 1000 Airplanes on the Roof," 1988: October 5
William F. Buckley, Jr., "Reflections on Current Contentions," 1988: October 19
Georges Temmer, "SDI-Star Wars, INF Treaty, Verification and All That: A Scientific Perspective," 1988: November 1
Randall Robinson, "South Africa and Divestment," 1988: November 2
Raul Hilberg, "Kristallnacht 1938-1988," 1988: November 3
Albert Hourani, "Arabic Thought in the Liberal Age: A Reconsideration," 1988: November 9
Peter Lee, "The Great Books in China, Japan, and Korea: Ideological and Aesthetic Explorations," 1988: November 16
Abraham Lowenthal, "The Future of U.S. and Latin American Relations After Reagan," 1988: October 26
Madeleine Albright, "Dukakis' Foreign Policy: How He Views National Security in the '90s," 1988: October 31
Spyros E. Iakovidis, "George E. Mylonas: Uncovering Ancient Mycenae," 1988: October 16
Gerhard Herder, Address, 1988: December 13
Albert W. Levi Memorial Service, 1988: November 11
Clark M. Clifford, Law School Fall Convocation Address, 1988: December 1
William Gass, "Exile," 1989: January 18
Roger Sale, "Fairy Tales: The Limits of Our Reading," 1989: January 25
Nien Cheng, "Experiences of the Cultural Revolution in China," 1989: January 26
John L. May, "The National Conference of Catholic Bishops: Partners in Social Justice," 1989: February 1
Michael Hamburger, "Bertold Brecht and the Language of Consent," 1989: February 8
George Will, "Public Affairs, Public Policy, and American Society," 1989: February 16
Gary G. Sick, "The United States and Iran: Past Predicaments and Future Prospects," 1989: February 22
Bella Abzug, "Women and Change in U.S. Policy," 1989: March 1
Jim Wright, "U.S. Foreign Relations," 1989: March 1
William J. Brennan, "The Criminal Prosecution: Sporting Event or Quest for Truth—Le Renvoi," 1989: March 8
Michael Harrington, "The Politics of Social Welfare in the 1990s," 1989: March 23
Annemarie Schimmel, "Women in Islamic Piety: A Living Tradition," 1989: March 29
Caroline Bird, "Coping with Choice: The Dilemmas Ahead," 1989: April 4
Na'im Akbar, "From Martin and Malcolm to Realizing the Afro-American Self," 1989: April 5
Richard Wollheim, "Phantasy, Repetition, and Painting: The Special Case of J.-A.-D. Ingres," 1989: April 12
Richard Wollheim, "The Emotions and Their Pattern in Life," 1989: April 13
Richard Wollheim, "The Emotions and Rationality," 1989: April 18
Benedict Anderson, "Remembering—Forgetting: How Nations Imagine Their Pasts," 1989: April 19
Richard Wollheim, "The Emotions and Their Expression in Art," 1989: April 25
Larry L. King, "Writing in Modern America," 1989: April 26
Günter Grass, Reading from Zunge Zeigen and Discussion, 1989: May 10
Joshua Gordon, "Time: The Second Hand/Calendar Paradox," 1989: May 18
James F. Jones, "University, The Spaceship Earth, the Class of 1989," 1989: May 18
Beryl Manne Memorial Service, 1989: June 27
William P. Kinsella, Reading and Commentary, 1989: August 30
Derek Walcott, "Outside the Cathedral and Reflections on Grenada: Essays on Poetry and Politics," 1989: September 6
Jeff Greenfield, "Ethics and the Media," 1989: September 13
Yehoshafat Harkabi and Emile Sahliyeh, "Convocation for Peace: Israeli-Palestinian Dialogue," 1989: September 14
Ronald Young, "The Role of the United States in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: The Need for Citizen Action," 1989: September 14
Neil Sheehan, "Vietnam: How Could This War Have Happened?," 1989: September 20
William Sloan Coffin, Jr., "Peace Economy: Spend for Defense or Social Needs?," 1989: September 27
Johnnetta Cole, "Education and Empowerment: Preparing Women for a New Century," 1989: October 4
Ralph Nader, "Corporate Power in America," 1989: October 18
Robert MacNeil, "Coming to Grips with the World," 1989: October 25
Carole Simpson, "Minorities in Journalism," 1989: November 1
Arno Mayer, "Terror and Violence Under Hitler and Stalin: Issues in Studying the Holocaust," 1989: November 8
Walter Alvarez, "Giant Cosmic Impacts and Extinction of Life on Earth," 1989: November 9
Wendy Wasserstein, "Women in Theater," 1989: November 13
Ismail Merchant, Lecture and Discussion, 1989: November 14
Maurice Sendak, "Descent into Limbo: The Creative Process," 1989: November 29
Murray Weidenbaum, "Rendezvous with Reality: The Economic Challenges Facing President Bush," 1990: January 24
Herb White, 1990: January
Roth Memorial Service, 1990: January
Steven Schwarzschild, Memorial Service, 1990: January 17
Anna Quindlen, "Living Out Loud: Life in the 1990s," 1990: January 31
Richard Leakey, "Origins of Mankind," 1990: February 5
Orville Schell, "China," 1990: February 7
Richard Gephardt, "Trade and Competitiveness for the 21st Century," 1990: February 13
J. Patout Burns, "Magic and Morality: Christianity in the Roman World," 1990: February 14
Robert B. McKay, "The Rise of the Justice Industry and the Decline of Legal Ethics," 1990: February 14
Mary Ellen Mark, "The Unflinching Eye: How a Photojournalist Sees," 1990: February 14
Harry Brod, "The Making of Masculinities: Issues for Men Today," 1990: February 15
Charles Curran, "Tensions in the Contemporary Roman Catholic Church," 1990: February 21
William Conway, "Miniparks to Megazoos: From Protecting Ecosystems to Saving Species," 1990: February 28
Sondra Stang Memorial Service, 1990: March 5
Donald Finkel, Reading and Commentary, 1990: March 7
Robert Darnton, "The Literary Revolution of 1789," 1990: March 21
Harriett Woods, "Women in Power," 1990: March 27
Alice Erh-Soon Tay, "The Role of Law in the Twentieth Century: From Law to Laws to Social Science?," 1990: March 28
Ivan Van Sertima, "Blacks in Science: Ancient and Modern," 1990: April 4
Alice Erh-Soon Tay, "Are We Moving Towards a World Legal Order?," 1990: April 5
Alice Erh-Soon Tay, "Human Rights and Legal Rights," 1990: April 12
Helen Vendler, Reading and Commentary, 1990: April 18
Alice Erh-Soon Tay, "Individuals and the New Collectivities," 1990: April 19
Louis Sullivan, "Family and Community in America," 1990: April 25
Judy Woodruff, "News in the 90s," 1990: April 25
Jacob K. Javits, "Prescription for the Cities: A Territorial Approach o Urban Problems," 1967: January
Benjamin Friedman, "Risks in Our High-Debt Economy: Depression or Inflation?," 1990: April 20
Walter E. Massey, "In a World of Uncertainty, What Should We Know? Who Knows?," 1990: May 17
William H. Danforth, "A Thanksgiving for the Life of Thomas Steele Hall, 1909-1990," 1990: June 17
Udo Kulterman, Address, 1990: August 28
Peter Gay, "Goethe's Loves: A Psychoanalytic Reading," 1990: September 11
Stephen Jay Gould, "On Life's History and the Improbability of Human Evolution," 1990: September 5
Eleanor Holmes Norton, "Guardian of Our Rights: Passing of the Torch from the Court to Congress," 1990: September 19
Gibson Kamau Kuria, "Human Rights in Africa," 1990: September 21
Susan Spencer, "Medicine and Journalism: The Challenges of the 90s," 1990: September 26
Grennady Gerasimov, "Smiling Russian Bear: Is It Dangerous?," 1990: October 4
Mike Peters, "Under Parody, Politics, and Pulitzer Prizes," 1990: October 5
Thomas Lovejoy, "Biological Diversity: A Burning Question," 1990: October 10
Michael Reynolds, "Hemingway for Our Time," 1990: October 17
Harold Ramis, "Harold Ramis II: The Sequel," 1990: October 24
Steven Hassan, "Combatting Cult Mind Control," 1990: October 25
Alex Haley, "Find the Good and Praise It: Continuities," 1990: October 31
Robert Jay Lifton, "Beyond Genocide: Learning from the Nazi Doctors," 1990: November 7
Sandra Day O'Connor, "Women in Power: Is the View Different?," 1990: November 14
Linda Smircich, Linda Fabel, Joan Salmon Campbell, Judge Anderson, and Susan Frelich Appleton, "Women in Power: Is the View Different?" Panel Discussion, 1990: November 14
Robert E. Allen, "Five Centuries After Columbus: Exploring America's Place in the New World," 1990: November 28
Enrique Zileri, UNA Lecture for Human Rights Day, 1990: December 9
Mona Van Duyn, Commencement Address, 1990: May 18
Maxine Hong Kingston, Reading and Commentary, 1991: January 16
Reuven Kimelman, Rembert G. Weakland, James Turner Johnson, David Saperstein, J. Bryan Hehir, Azim Nanji, and Mumtaz Ahmad, "The Ethics of Warfare: Muslim, Jewish, and Christian Traditions," 1991: January 23
Douglass C. North, "The Unmaking of the Russian Revolution," 1991: January 30
James Gleick, William C. Ferguson Memorial Lecture Address, 1991: February 6
Faye Wattleton, "Reproductive Rights," 1991: February 13
John E. Jacob, "Bringing Together American Values and the Concept of Economic Parity," 1991: February 14
Alma Law, "Revolutionary Russian Theatre," 1991: February 20
Shirley Hufstedler, "The Once and Future Law," 1991: February 20
Linda Wilson, "Shaping a New Vision for a New Era: Science Policy and the American Research University," 1991: February 21
Robert Bellah, "Critical Reason and the Moral Life," 1991: February 27
Jimmy Carter, "Social Responsibility: Caring About Moral and Ethical Issues," 1991: February 28
William Arrowsmith, "Euripides: The Playwright's Viewpoint," 1991: March 5
Jonathan Miller, "The Creative Process," 1991: March 6
P. Roy Vagelos, Kellwood Lecture, 1991: March 15
Martin Marty, "The Ironies of Relativism, the Ironies of Absolutism: History in Religion and Religion in History," 1991: March 19
Scott Turow, Omicron Delta Kappa Honors Lecture, 1991: March 20
Toni Morrison, Reading and Commentary, 1991: March 21
Paul Goldberger, "Building Against Cities: The Struggle to Make Livable Places," 1991: March 27
Helen Alvare, "Feminism in Pro-Life," 1991: March 27
Joan Scott, "Madeleine Pelletier," 1991: April 2
David McLellan, "Unto Ceasar: The Political Relevance of Christianity," 1991: April 17
Milford Wolpoff, "All About Eve: Our Fossil Evidence of Human Evolution," 1991: April 17
Joan Scott, "The Social Individual is Man and Woman," 1991: April
Eugene Borowitz, "In Search of a 'Weak' Absolute," 1991: April 2
Frances Cress Welsing, Martin Luther King Symposium Address, 1991: April 3
Margaret Farley, "How Relative Can Christian Ethics Be: A Feminist Perspective," 1991: April 8
Patrick Spottiswoode, "The Re-Discovery of Shakespeare's Globe," 1991: April 10
Joan Scott, "Equality Is Indifferent to Sex," 1991: April
Deborah Tannen, Adele Chomeau Starbird Memorial Lecture, 1991: April 24
Alvin Poussaint, Address, 1991
Oscar Arias Sanchez, Commencement Address, 1991: May 17
Oscar Arias Sanchez, Commencement Address, 1991: May 17
Richard Purdy Wilbur, Howard Nemerov Memorial Lecture, 1991: August 28
Daniel Schorr, "America in the Time of George Bush," 1991: September 4
Stanley Fish, "Free Speech Doesn't Exist, and It's a Good Thing, Too," 1991: September 11
Jesse Jackson, Benjamin E. Youngdahl Lecture on Social Policy Address, 1991: September 17
Kevin Phillips, "Politics of Rich and Poor," 1991: September 25
Peter Brown, "Philosophers, Bishops, and Monks: Power and Persuasion in the Later Roman Empire," 1991: October 2
José Donoso, "A Conversation with José Donoso," 1991: October 3
María Pilar Donoso, "The Barcelona Years: The Latin American Boom in Spain," 1991: October 4
Ed Bradley, "A Morning with Ed Bradley," 1991: October 9
Dr. Mildred Trotter Memorial, 1991: October 9
Jeanne Larsen, Paula Gunn Allen, Ana Castillo, Jamaica Kincaid, and Gerhild Scholz Williams,"Perspective of Women Writers" Panel Discussion, 1991: October 16
Jamaica Kincaid, "Readings by Jamaica Kincaid," 1991: October 16
Nina Totenberg, Women's Club of Washington University Address, 1991: October 23
Donald Finkel, Bookmark Society Address, 1991: October 25
John Singleton, Black Arts and Sciences Festival Address, 1991: October 30
Max Roach, "American Music: Perspectives," 1991: November 1
William Shawcross, "Holocaust and Cambodia," 1991: November 6
Imrat Khan, "Concert of North Indian Music," 1991: November 13
Wole Soyinka, Address, 1991: November 21
Donald Schnuck Memorial Service, 1991: June
Fang Lizhi, "Science and Politics in China," 1992: January 15
Wayne Fields, "The Past Leads a Life of Its Own," 1992: January 22
Jane Erkert, Chris Scoates, Eliot Porter, James W. Davis, and Betsy Wright Millard, "Politics and the Arts" Panel Discussion, 1992: January 29
Susan Estrich, "Real Rape," 1992: January 30
Pat Schroeder, "Challenges in America's Future," 1992: January 31
Urvashi Vaid, "The AIDS Crisis and Lesbian and Gay Rights in the 90s," 1992: February 5
Ada Deer, "Quincentenary: 500 Years of Impact and Interchange," 1992: February 12
Thomas Mann, "The Politics and Economics of the 1992 Presidential Elections," 1992: February 19
Naomi Wolf, "The Beauty Myth," 1992: March 2
Joseph Brodsky, Foreign Language Week Lecture/Mortar Board Lecture, 1992: March 19
James Redfield, "Plato's Crito," 1992: March 23
James Redfield, "Love and Death in Greek Italy: The Locrian Pinakes," 1992: March 24
Harry Edwards, "Pursuit of Excellence: Dream with Your Eyes Open," 1992: March 25
Oliver Sacks, "Neurology and the Soul," 1992: March 31
Shirley Chisholm, "Martin Luther King," 1992: April 1
I. Bernard Cohen, "The Body Politic Before and After the Scientific Revolution," 1992: April 8
Frank J. Sulloway, "Reassessing Freud's Case Histories: The Social Construction of Psychoanalysis," 1992: April 15
Burton Wheeler, "Thomas Hopkinson Eliot: A Celebration," 1992: April 20
Susan Sontag, "The Art of Fiction: A Reading," 1992: April 22
Robert Kerrey, "Building for Greatness," 1992: August 26
Kurt Vonnegut, Jr., "How to Get a Job Like Mine," 1992: September 2
Molly Ivins, "Politics and Other Bizarre Happenings," 1992: September 9
Jonathan Spence, "The Taiping Heavenly Kingdom in Nineteenth-Century China," 1992: September 16
Ernesto Cardenal, "A Reading," 1992: September 21
Roald Sagdeev, "Science in Old and New World Orders," 1992: September 23
Jonathan Kozol, "Savage Inequalities," 1992: September 30
Freeman Dyson, "Revolutions in Astronomy," 1992: October 14
Mario Vargas Llosa, "A Reading," 1992: October 18
Shirley Tilghman, "Women and the Culture of Science," 1992: October 21
Jacqueline A. Walcott-McQuigg, Lillian Gonzalez-Pardo, Gina Kolata, Joanne E. Mortimer, and Susan Wood, "Are Health Care and Biomedical Research Women's Issues?," 1992: October 21
Barbara Jordan, Student Union Address, 1992: October 24
Juan Williams, "Eyes on the Prize Continues: Today's Civil Rights Movement," 1992: October 28
Elie Wiesel, "When the Unthinkable Happens," 1992: November 5
David Broder, "The Elections," 1992: November 11
Wolf Biermann, "Bob Dylan of Germany," 1992: November 18
Studs Terkel, "Our American Obsession," 1993: January 20
Helen Thomas, Chimes Lecture, 1993: January 27
William Julius Wilson, "Race and Poverty in Urban America: Toward a Broader Perspective," 1993: February 3
Bertice Berry, "But Some of My Best Friends Are: The Existence of Bigotry Around Us - What Can We Do?," 1993: February 10
Peter Steinfels, "When There Is No Peace: Being Honest in Pacifist Thinking," 1993: February 17
Suzi Landolphi, "Hot, Sexy, and Safer," 1993: February 18
Bernard Bailyn, "Realism and Idealism in the Founding of the New Nation: Franklin in Paris and the Bill of Rights," 1993: February 24
Memorial Service for John B. Ervin and Concert, 1993: March 3
Lawrence Douglas Wilder, "Race, Power, and Progress," 1993: March 1
Tatyana Tolstaya, Reading and Commentary, 1993: March 17
Linda Ellerbee, "Moving On: Surviving Life with One's Humor Intact," 1993: March 24
Julianne Malveaux, "The Parity Imperative: Civil Rights, Economics, Justice, and a New America," 1993: March 31
Philip Levine, "The Preservation and Transmission of Our Latin Authors," 1993: April 12
Philip Levine, "Res Publica, Res Populi: The Roman Citizen in Classical Literature," 1993: April 14
Frances Moore Lappé, "Toward a Politics of Hope: Personal Meaning and Social Change," 1993: April 21
Murray Louis, "The Dance Theatre Art of Nikolais and Murray Louis," 1993: April 23
John Bowen, "Can Knowledge Heal Us?: Scholarship and Social Divisions," 1993: May 13
David Maybury-Lewis, "Millennium: Tribal Wisdom in the Modern World," 1993: August 25
Bob Costas, Address, 1993: September 2
The Dalai Lama of Tibet, "Altruism and World Affairs," 1993: September 7
Leonard Slatkin, Address, 1993: September 14
Theo Sommer, "The United States and the European Community: Cooperation and Competition," 1993: September 30
Carlos Fuentes, "Culture and Crisis in Latin America," 1993: October 6
Michael Dorris, "The Truth in Fiction," 1993: October 13
Nadine Strossen and Kathleen Mahoney, "Pornography and Free Speech: What Are the Stakes for Women?," 1993: October 20
Norella Huggins, Nadine Strossen, Kathleen Mahoney, Colleen Coble, and Sue Trent, "Pornography and Free Speech" Panel Discussion, 1993: October 20
Bob Jobbins and Gwyn Jones, "What's News?," 1993: October 20
Deborah Amos, United Nations Day Celebration Address, 1993: October 22
William J. Crowe, Jr., "Defense and Security," 1993: October 26
Alexa Canady, "What a Difference Diversity Makes," 1993: October 27
Ian Hancock, "Gypsies, Germany and the Holocaust," 1993: November 3
Elizabeth Ann Clark, "Family Values?: Women, Asceticism, and Roman Imperial Society," 1993: November 4
Peter S. Onuf, "Thomas Jefferson's Legacies," 1993: November 10
Joseph Fernandez, "Public Education in America's Cities," 1993: November 17
Cornel West, "Blacks and Jews: Conflicts and Coalescence," 1993: December 2
Dr. Yoak, WashU Commencement, 1993: May 14
Douglass C. North, "The Evolution of Economies and Societies," 1994: January 19
Joyce Carol Oates, Reading and Commentary, 1994: January 26
Samuel Betances, "Harnessing the Rainbow," 1994: February 2
James O. Freedman, "Thurgood Marshall: Man of Character," 1994: February 16
Maurice Sendak, "Really Rosie: From the Page to the Stage," 1994: February 25
Bob Paris and Rod Jackson-Paris, "Be True to Yourself," 1994: March 2
Michael Woo, "Facing Up to Cultural Diversity," 1994: March 9
John Hollander, Reading and Commentary, 1994: March 23
F. Sherwood Rowland, "Ozone Depletion and the Greenhouse Effect," 1994: March 24
Gregory Nagy, "Sappho's Aphrodite and the Changing Woman of the Apache," 1994: March 31
Richard Lewontin, "The Fetishism of the Gene," 1994: March 30
Wendy Lee Gramm, "Is Good Government an Oxymoron?," 1994: April 7
Star Jones, "Today's Young and Gifted Student: Bringing Something to the Table Other Than an Appetite," 1994: April 8
Barbara Ehrenreich, "Shopping, Politics, and the Meaning of Life: A Perspective on the American Consumer Culture," 1994: April 13
Anna Quindlen, "Thinking Out Loud," 1994: April 20
George Will, "Public Affairs, Public Policy and American Society," 1994: April 27
Tom Wolfe, "The End of the Century and the Spirit of the Age," 1994: August 31
Susan Faludi, "Is the Backlash Over?," 1994: September 14
Stephen Carter, "Religion, Children and the Rights of Parents," 1994: September 28
David Grossman, "Imagining Peace," 1994: October 5
Richard Selzer, "On Writing The Black Swan," 1994: October 12
George Mitchell, Address, 1994: October 18
Nadine Gordimer, Reading from None to Accompany Me, 1994: October 20
Lerone Bennett, Jr., Black Arts and Sciences Festival Address, 1994: October 26
Rocco Landesman, "Why Broadway?," 1994: October 28
Robert Olby, "Molecularizing the Neurosciences: The Case of Memory," 1994: November 2
Ernst Stein, "A Jewish Perspective on Neo-Nazism," 1994: November 9
James Carville, "James Carville Looks at American Politics," 1994: November 16
Washington University Commencement, 1994: May 20
Angela Davis, Chancellor's Fellowship Conference Address, 1995: January 18
Grace Paley, Reading and Commentary, 1995: January 25
Bernice King, Martin Luther King Day Address, 1995: January 20
Richard Stites, "Russian Popular Culture: Looking at the People," 1995: February 1
John Perry Barlow and Stewart Baker, "The Great 1995 Cyberbate," 1995: February 7
bell hooks, "Love and Revolution: Ending Racism and Sexism," 1995: February 8
Brian Urquhart, "The World Community: Fact or Fiction," 1995: February 15
Tony Kushner, "Art and Politics in Modern Drama," 1995: February 22
Linda Wertheimer, "A Better Understanding of Washington," 1995: March 1
Nat Hentoff, "Is There Any Language So Degrading, So Offensive, So Hurtful That It Should Not Be Permitted On Campus . . . Or Anywhere Else?," 1995: March 15
Dorothy Allison, Reading, 1995: March 16
John Hope Franklin, "Plantation Dissidents: Runaway Slaves," 1995: March 22
Winona LaDuke, "Environmental Justice," 1995: March 23
William Raspberry, Benjamin E. Youngdahl Lecture on Social Policy, 1995: March 29
Lloyd Cutler, "The Role of the Counsel to the President," 1995: March 30
Bobby Seale, "The Legacy of the Panthers: Black Activism Then and Now," 1995: April 5
Dave Barry, "Dave's World," 1995: April 6
Anthony Aveni, "Empires of Time," 1995: April 11
Walter LaFeber, "Technology and the Future of American Foreign Policy: A Historian's View," 1995: April 12
Francis Crick, "The Problem of Visual Awareness," 1995: April 18
Betty Williams, "How One Person Can Make a Difference in the World," 1995: April 19
Eliot Honors Assembly, 1995: May 18
Stephen Jay Gould, "Evolution and Human Equality," 1995: August 30
Katha Pollitt, Reading and Commentary, 1995: September 6
Henry Louis Gates, Jr., "Multiculturalism and Cultural Diversity," 1995: September 13
Amartya Sen, "Social Development: National and International Dilemmas," 1995: September 20
Richard Leakey, "The Sixth Extinction," 1995: September 27
Kevin Phillips, "Arrogant Capital: Washington, Wall Street, and the Frustration of American Politics," 1995: October 11
Michelle Citron, "The Widening Frame: Women in Film," 1995: October 18
Allan Brandt, "The Rise and Fall of the Cigarette: Risk, Science, and Disease," 1995: October 19
Ntozake Shange, Black Arts and Sciences Festival Address, 1995: October 25
John Noonan, Jr., "Conscience Against Commonwealth and Church," 1995: November 2
Steven Katz, "The Holocaust and Mass Death: Variations and Differences," 1995: November 8
Amy Tan, "Ghosts and Yappy Dogs: The Serendipity of Fiction," 1995: November 15
Mae Jemison, "In Transition," 1996: January 24
Mae Jemison, Larry Davis, Estelle-Marie Montgomery, Lincoln Diuguid, Barbara Graham, Barbara Woods, and Gerald Early Panel Discussion, 1996: January 24
Eric Foner, "Race and Nationality in American History: Who Is an American?," 1996: January 25
Douglas Adams, "Parrots, the Universe and Everything," 1996: January 31
Brent Staples, "Parallel Time: Growing Up in Black and White," 1996: February 14
Jack Kemp, "America on the Eve of the 21st Century," 1996: February 21
Bharati Mukherjee, "Beyond Multiculturalism: The Making of a New American Identity Through Fiction," 1996: February 28
Leslie Orgel, "The RNA World and the Origins of Life," 1996: March 13
Calvin Trillin, "Calvin Trillin's America," 1996: March 20
Margaret Rossiter, "American Women Scientists: Historical Patterns," 1996: March 19
Mary Daly, "Re-Calling the Outrageous Contagious Courage of Women," 1996: March 27
Martha Nussbaum, "Compassion in Public Life," 1996: March 28
Alvin Poussaint, Martin Luther King, Jr. Symposium Address," 1996: April 12
Mark S. Wrighton, "International Relationships in a Technologically Competitive World," 1996: April 10
Molly Ivins, "Molly Ivins Can't Say That, Can She?," 1996: April 17
Ray Bradbury, "One Thousand and One Ways to Solve the Future," 1996: September 4
Seamus Heaney, "Creating Poetry: A Reading with Commentary," 1996: September 10
Edward O. Wilson, "The Diversity of Life," 1996: September 11
James Fallows, "Breaking the News: How the Media Undermine American Democracy," 1996: September 18
Jane Maienschein, "A Century of Embryological Debates: What Should We Believe?," 1996: September 26
Jane Smiley, "Shakespeare in Iceland," 1996: October 2
Imam Warith Deen Muhammad, "Planting Islam in Black America," 1996: October 9
Marjorie Margolies-Mezvinsky, Mr. and Mrs. Spencer T. Olin Conference Address, 1996: October 17
Reduced Shakespeare Company, "Clowning and Comedy for the Stage," 1996: October 23
Patricia Schroeder, "Social Justice and the 1996 Presidential Election," 1996: October 24
Portia K. Maultsby, "African-American Music: Its Cultural and Socio-Political Significance in the Twentieth Century," 1996: October 30
M. Cherif Bassiouni, "Stopping Impunity for International Crimes," 1996: November 6
David Gergen, "A View from Washington," 1996: November 13
John Updike, "Elevenses with John Updike," 1996: November 20
Roberta Cooper Ramo, "American Lawyers: Democracy's Foot Soldiers," 1996: November 21
Stephan Reimertz, "Max Beckmann: The St. Louis Years," 1996: November 25
Ralph Morrow, "Washington University in St. Louis: A History" Book Signing, 1996: December 5
Oliver H. Lowry Memorial Service, 1996: November 18
Collective Title: "The African-American Athlete and American Society" Bill White, "Jackie Robinson's Legacy, 1947-1997," and Jeffrey Sammons, "'Unnatural Acts': African American Expressive Styles and the Repressive Culture of College Football," 1997: January 22
Martin Amis, "Iron John, Robert Bly, Philip Larkin, and Political Correctness," 1997: January 29
Elizabeth Loftus, "Crimes of Memory: The Rise of False Memories and the Downfall of Mental Health," 1997: February 5
Ronald Takaki, "The Multiculturalism Debate: Battleground or Meeting Ground? Part One," 1997: February 12
Todd Gitlin, "The Multiculturalism Debate: Battleground or Meeting Ground? Part Two," 1997: February 19
Wynton Marsalis, "Redemption Through Sacrifice: The Legacy of American Slavery," 1997: February 21
William Schopf, "Ancient Life on Earth and Mars: Extraordinary Claims! Extraordinary Evidence?," 1997: February 26
Richard Dawkins, "Is Evolution Progressive?," 1997: March 12
Clarence Page, "Bridge to a Multicultural Century," 1997: March 19
Nikki Giovanni, Reading and Commentary, 1997: March 26
Kweisi Mfume, Martin Luther King, Jr. Symposium Address, 1997: April 2
R. Ross Holloway, "The Greek Temple and Ancient Sicily," 1997: April 3
Jonathan Spence, "The Arts of Empire in 18th Century China," 1997: April 9
Alan Taylor, "Of Deer and Men: A Tale of Hunting, Law, Power and Literature in the Early American Republic," 1997: April 10
Isabel Allende, "A Candid Conversation with Isabel Allende," 1997: April 16
James Watson, "Living with the Human Genome Project," 1997: September 3
Elaine Pagels, "The Origin of Satan," 1997: September 10
Charles V. Willie and Kimberlé Crenshaw, William H. Danforth, Susan Uchitelle, John A. Wright, Valerie Bell, and Gerald Early,"The Cultural and Legal Meaning of Desegregation: Has It Been Achieved? Can It Be Achieved?" Panel Discussion, 1997: September 18
Egon Schwarz, "Mass Emigration and Intellectual Exile from National Socialism: The Austrian Case," 1997: September 24
Heidi Hartmann, "Closing the Policy Gap for Working Women," 1997: October 1
Thomas Trotter, Lecture and Organ Recital, 1997: October 7
Robert Thurman, "The Politics of Enlightenment," 1997: October 8
Arun Gandhi, "Nonviolence or Nonexistence: Options for the 21st Century," 1997: October 15
Neal Lane, "The Changing Face of Science," 1997: October 17
Ray Suarez, "The Exuberant Rebirth and Premature Death of the American City," 1997: October 22
Amiri Baraka, "Art in Politics," 1997: October 29
Robert Alter, "The Double Canonicity of the Hebrew Bible," 1997: September 17
William Matheson Memorial Service, 1997: October 20
Michael Berenbaum, "The Holocaust and Its Remembrance," 1997: November 5
Andrew Sullivan, "Friendship: The Forgotten Relationship," 1997: November 12
Robert Proctor, "Science and Medicine in the Service of Nazism," 1997: November 13
Joycelyn Elders, "Public Health, Private Morality, and the African American Community," 1998: January 21
Antonin Scalia, "On Interpreting the Constitution," 1998: January 28
Albert Raboteau, "The Search for Common Ground: Howard Thurman," 1998: February 4
José Ramos-Horta, "Human Rights: Democracy and the Rule of Law in the Asia Pacific Region," 1998: February 11
William H. Gray III, "The Role of Historically Black Colleges and Universities at the Dawn of the 21st Century," 1998: February 18
Laurence Soderblom, "Back to Mars," 1998: February 24
William Kirby, "The Future of Greater China," 1998: March 11
Neil Gaiman, "Myths About Myths, Stories About Stories: Sandman and After," 1998: March 18
Nell Painter, "Sojourner Truth: A Phenomenal Woman," 1998: March 25
Erich Gruen, "Pagans and Jews: The Roots of Anti-Semitism," 1998: March 25
Mary Frances Berry, "Achieving Diversity in the 21st Century: The Struggle Continues," 1998: April 1
Jack Horner, "Dinosaurs and the History of Evolutionary Thought," 1998: April 8
Kurt Vonnegut, Jr., Chimes/Neurether Library Lecture, 1998: April 9, 4:00 PM Program
Paul Simon, Benjamin E. Youngdahl Lecture in Social Policy Address, 1998: April 15
Naomi Wolf, "Fire with Fire: The New Female Power and How It Will Change the 21st Century," 1998: April 22
Gina Kolata, "Cloning: Its Past, Present and Future," 1998: September 9
Barbara Kopple, "The Art of the Documentary Film," 1998: September 16
Ray Arvidson, Sarah Johnson, Heather Brouillet, Stephanie Nelson, and Brian Ebel, "The Solo Spirit Mission: From Argentian to the Coral Sea," 1998: September 23
Mark Crispin Miller, "Our Master's Voice: The Growing Power of Global Media," 1998: September 30
Greil Marcus, "On the Birth of the Cool," 1998: October 7
Peggy Orenstein, "Girl or Woman: The Status of Female Adolescents" Address, 1998: October 14
Peggy Orenstein, Joan Andert, Joleene Unnerstall, Lynn White, and Victoria Weisz, "Girl or Woman: The Status of Female Adolescents" Panel Discussion, 1998: October 14
Loren Graham, "Is Science a Social Construction?: The Lysenko Affair and Authentic Science," 1998: October 20
Karen Armstrong, "The History and Future of God," 1998: October 21
Gwendolyn Goldsby Grant, "The Best Kind of Loving: Building Better Relationships for the New Millenium," 1998: October 28
Louise Arbour, "Prosecutions Before International Criminal Court: Prospects and Pitfalls," 1998: October 29
Renée C. Fox, "Doctors Without Borders and Doctors of the World: Moral Dilemmas of Medical Humanitarianism and Human Rights Witnessing," 1998: November 4
Spike Lee, Lecture and Commentary, 1998: November 5
Terry Gross, "An Afternoon with Terry Gross," 1998: November 10
George J. Mitchell, Lecture and Commentary, 1998: November 11
James Hal Cone, "They Sought a City: Martin's Dream or Malcolm's Nightmare?," 1999: January 20
Wallace Broecker, "Surprises in the Greenhouse," 1999: January 27
Patricia Churchland, "What Can We Expect From a Theory of Consciousness?," 1999: February 3
Bill Strickland, "The Business of Social Change," 1999: February 10
Arthur Golden, "The Making of a Geisha: Forging a Cultural Identity," 1999: February 17
Lee Epstein and Jack Knight, "The Trivialization of the U.S. Supreme Court," 1999: February 24
Douglas Wilson, "Herndon's Dilemma: Abraham Lincoln and the Privacy Issue," 1999: March 10
Daniel Schacter, "The Fragile Power of Human Memory," 1999: March 17
Dolores Huerta, "The Struggle Continues," 1999: March 24
Charles Johnson, "Dreamer: Constructing Martin Luther King's Legacy in Fiction," 1999: March 31
David Konstan, "Divine Pity from Paganism to Christianity," 1999: April 1
Sister Souljah, "Reaching for the Dream: Motivating Our Youth Toward Empowerment and Activism," 1999: April 7
Steven Pinker, "How the Mind Works," 1999: April 9
Frances Mayes, "When the Moon is Hard, When the Moon is Tender: Finding the Rhythm of a Memoir," 1999: April 21
Ted Kennedy, Jr., "Facing the Challenge: Disabilities, Health Care and Civil Rights," 1999: September 8
Jonathan Weiner, "Evolution in Action: The View from Darwin's Islands and Benzer's Bottles," 1999: September 15
Nancy Dickey, "The AMA Agenda: Improving Health Care Delivery for All Americans," 1999: September 22
Linda Nochlin, "Bathtime: The Representation and Practice of Bathing in French Art," 1999: September 29
Andrew Delbanco, "Do Americans Still Have a Dream?," 1999: October 6
Heather McHugh, "The Book of Bones: A Reader's Vesalius," 1999: October 13
Tony Brown, "Images of the Future," 1999: October 20
Mary Maples Dunn, "Definitions of Success," 1999: October 21
Neil Gershenfeld, "Things That Think," 1999: October 27
Carol Moseley-Braun, "Serving with Integrity: The Challenge Facing Today's Public Servants," 1999: November 3
Mary Kay Magistad, "Walking the Tightrope: Challenges to China's Communist Party," 2000: February 2
Wilma Mankiller, "Contemporary Tribal Issues," 2000: February 16
James Earl Hardy, "All the Blacks Are Homosexual and All the Gays Are White . . . or so They Say," 2000: February 29
Sandra Davidson, Thomas Baxter, Jr., Ken Cooper, Charles Guggenheim, Michael Isikoff, and Maralee Schwartz, Freedom of Speech and Press Forum (Panel Discussion), 2000: February 10
Michael Isikoff, Freedom of Speech and Press Forum Address, 2000: February 10
Greg Louganis, "Beyond Breaking the Surface," 2000: February 23
Dinesh D'Souza, "The Politics of Race and Sex on Campus," 2000: March 1
Joe Dowling, "Shakespeare in the 21st Century," 2000: March 15
John Murrin, "American Popular Culture, Elitism, and the Rise of Intercollegiate Athletics Before the First World War," 2000: March 16
Donald Johanson, "Human Origins: An African Perspective," 2000: March 22
Linda Wertheimer, "A Woman's Perspective on the Congress and Politics," 2000: March 29
Eleanor Leach, "The Politics of Theatre: The Theatricality of Politics in the Ancient Roman World," 2000: March 30
Na'im Akbar, "African Americans: Change Agents for America," 2000: April 5
Peter Raven, "Biodiversity: Its Meaning for a Sustainable Environment," 2000: April 12
Susan Faludi, "The Betrayal of the American Male," 2000: April 19
Saul Friedlander, "The Shoah: Memory, History and the Historian," 2000: February 9
Charles Guggenheim, Freedom of Speech and Press Forum and Viewing of The First Freedom, 2000: February 9
Oscar Hijuelos, Reading and Commentary, 2000: September 20
Mike Peters, Benjamin E. Youngdahl Lecture in Social Policy Address, 2000: September 27
James P. Collins, "Host Pathogen Biology and the Global Decline of Amphibians," 2000: September 28
Ruthellen Josselson, "The Pleasures and Perils of Girls' and Women's Friendships," 2000: October 4
William H. Gass, "Reading and Commentary: 'Retrospections,'" 2000: October 11
Al Franken, "An Overview of the Current Presidential Race," 2000: October 18
Frank McCourt, "A Memoir of a Memoir," 2000: November 1
Philip Gourevitch, Reading and Commentary, 2000: November 8
Harold Ramis, "The Semiotics of Comedy in the Post-Modern Era: Towards a Hermeneutics of Humor," 2000: November 29
Julian Bond, "Challenges and Opportunities: African Americans in the New Millennium," 2001: January 31
Kip Thorne, "Spacetime Warps and the Quantum: A Glimpse of the Future," 2001: February 7
Yvonne Haddad, "Globalization and Its Impact on Muslim-Christian Relations," 2001: February 21
Martin Marty, "Spirituality Strong and Weak: Moored and Unmoored Patterns," 2001: February 28
Kay Redfield Jamison, "An Unquiet Mind: Personal and Professional Reflections on Mental Illness," 2001: March 7
William Provine, "Evolution, Religion and the Meaning of Life," 2001: March 8
Dave Eggers, Reading and Commentary, 2001: March 21
Paul Simon, Ferdinand Isserman Memorial Lecture/Thomas C. Hennings Memorial Lecture Address, 2001: March 26
bell hooks, Women's Week Lecture, 2001: March 28
Elizabeth Asmis, "Roman Slavery and Human Rights," 2001: March 29
Ellis Cose, Martin Luther King, Jr. Symposium Keynote Lecture Address, 2001: April 4
Michael Shamberg, Address, 2001: April 6
Meave Leakey, "My Life in Science," 2001: April 11
James McPherson, "Abraham Lincoln and His Significance for the New Millennium," 2001: April 12
William H. Webster, "A Private Man in Public Life," 2001: September 5
Robert Frank, "Luxury Fever: Money and Happiness in an Era of Excess," 2001: September 19
Henry G. Cisneros, "Governing the New America: Leadership and Diversity," 2001: October 3
Wendy Chan, The Social and Legal Treatment of Battered Women Who Kill Their Partners," Mr. and Mrs. Spencer T. Olin Conference Keynote Lecture, 2001: October 10
W.U. Faculty, Response to September 11 Attacks, 2001: October 4
Ralph J. Cicerone, "White House Questions about Climate Change," 2001: October 17
KRS-One, "Hip-Hop: A Cultural Revolution," 2001: October 31
Bernardino Fantini, "Of Germs and Genes: Theories of Heredity, Reproduction and Contagion from the 17th to the 20th Centuries," 2001: November 1
James E. Young, "A Holocaust Memorial for Berlin?," 2001: November 7
Michael Eric Dyson, "Hip-Hop, the African-American Scholar, and the African-American Community," 2002: January 30
Morris Dees, "A Passion for Justice," 2002: February 6
Pepper Schwartz, "Sex and Intimate Relationships," 2002: February 13
Anthony Cohen, "My Long Journey on the Underground Railroad," 2002: February 20
Charles Rosenberg, "Contested Boundaries: Behavior, Deviance and Diagnosis," 2002: February 27
Strobe Talbott, "Russia and America: The Uneasy Peace After the Cold War," 2002: March 13
Ursula Goodenough, "Is It Natural to Be Moral?," 2002: March 20
Rita Mae Brown, Women's Week Keynote Lecture Address, 2002: March 27
Robert Provine, "Laughter as a Scientific Problem," 2002: March 28
George Curry, "The Assault on Affirmative Action," 2002: April 3
George Bass, "Ancient Treasures from the Deep: Two Bronze Age Shipwrecks," 2002: April 4
David Sedaris, "Humor and Social Criticism," 2002: April 12
Kenneth Cooper and Sarah Kaufman, "Reflections on 9/11," 2002: September 11
Ian Hacking, "Body Parts: Large and Small," 2002: September 25
John Beatty, "Genetics and the the State in the Cold War Era," 2002: September 26
Carole Counihan, "Food, Culture, and Gender," 2002: October 2
Salman Rushdie and Priya Joshi, "Interview of Salman Rushdie by Professor Joshi," 2002: October 3
Esmeralda Santiago, Latin American Awareness Week Lecture, 2002: October 9
Leslie Gelb, "Why Values Still Matter," 2002: October 10
David Hickey, "Practical Paganism: Talking About Beauty in America," 2002: October 16
Wole Soyinka, "Art and the Politics of Theatre," 2002: October 23
Oliver Sacks, Chimes Lecture, 2002: October 30
Jan Gross, "Polish Reactions to the Story of the Jedwabne Mass Murder," 2002: November 6
Robert Fisk, "Reports from the Middle East: The Politics of War, Foreign Policy and the Media Since 9/11," 2002: November 13
Joshua Sobol, Address, 2002: November 20
Patricia Hill Collins, "Feminism, the Black Scholar, and the African American Community," 2003: January 29
Carl Phillips, Mary Jo Bang, and Richard Watson, WU Writers Forum, 2003: February 5
Steffie Woolhandler, "Now a National Health Care System for the U.S.?," 2003: February 12
Judith Miller, "A View from the Middle East," 2003: February 19
Steven Fazzari, Al Goldman, Paul Rothstein, Chris Varvares, and David Nicklaus, "Current Thoughts on the U.S. Economy and the Stock Market" (Panel Discussion), 2003: February 26
Dot Richardson, "Live Up to Your Dreams," 2003: March 12
Josiah Ober, "Classical Democracy in the Modern Organization: Why Ancient Athenian Political Life Still Maters," 2003: March 13
Stephen Aron, "The Tragedy of William Clark: The Missouri Years of Lewis and Clark," 2003: March 19
Patricia Ireland, "Feminism in the 21st Century: Are We There Yet?," 2003: March 26
Luis Rodriguez, "Hearts and Hands: Creating Community in Violent Times," 2003: March 27
Garry Wills, "The Mission of the Humanities in the Contemporary Research University," 2003: April 1
Bobby Seale and Leslie M. Johnson-Seale, "The Revolution Will Not Be Televised: Activism in the African-American Community," 2003: April 2
Kerry Kennedy Cuomo, "Speak Truth to Power," 2003: April 9
Lee Bollinger, "The Foundations of the Principle of Academic Freedom," 2003: September 10
Thomas Friedman, "What Kind of International Borders Will Exist in the 21st Century?," 2003: September 17
Paul Volcker, "Corporate Governance," Olin School of Business Sesquicentennial Lecture, 2003: September 24
Barbara Ehrenreich, "Walking the Poverty Line," 2003: October 1
Richard Rodriguez, "The Browning of America," 2003: October 8
Sydney Brenner, "Humanity's Genes," 2003: October 14 Compton Memorial Lecture
Peter Gomes, "The Good Life: Truths That Last in Times of Need," 2003: October 15
Gerald Boyd, "Meeting Challenges from Race to Credibility," 2003: October 21
Dick Gregory, "The Many Faces of African Americans: A Renaissance People," 2003: October 29
Adam Hochschild, "The Holocaust in the Congo: Then and Today," 2003: November 5
Mark Malloch Brown, "Six Months After Iraq: Why the U.N. Matters," 2003: November 12
Carol Browner and William Reilly, "Politics and the Environment," 2003: October 3
Stephen Wolfram, "A New Kind of Science" 2003: November 6
Jane Lubchenco and Mario Molina, "Science and the Environment," 2003: October 9
Everett Mendelsohn, "Dolly and the Historians: Science, Politics and Ethics of Cloning," 2003: November 13
David Levering Lewis, "The Evolving National Narrative: Du Bois and Others," 2004: January 28
Michael Les Benedict, "The People Themselves: The Constitutional Responsibility of the American People," 2004: February 11
Susan Talve, "Challenging the Illusion of Separation: Celebrating the Dignity of Difference," 2004: February 12
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., "Our Environmental Destiny," 2004: February 25
Ann Coulter, "Liberal Lies about the American Right," 2004: March 3
Charles Falco, "The Science of Optics; The History of Art," 2004: February 16
Andrew Cuomo, "Are We Our Brother's Keeper?," 2004: March 17
W. Ralph Johnson, "The D/Evolution of Love: The Origins of Roman Elegy," 2004: March 18
Mo Rocca, "Making It up as I Go Along," 2004: March 30
William McDonough, "Ecology, Equity, Environment Education," 2004: March 30
Ntozake Shange, MLK Annual Lecture, 2004: April 8
Roald Hoffmann, "One Culture or the Commonalities and Differences Between the Arts and Sciences," 2004: April 13
Azar Nafisi, "Reading Lolita in Tehran," 2004: April 14
Susan Sontag, "Regarding the Pain of Others," 2004: March 24
Bethany McLean, "The Smartest Guys in the Room: The Amazing Rise and Scandalous Fall of Enron," 2004: September 8
Arianna Huffington, "Election 2004: Handicapping the Presidential Race," 2004: September 15
Philip Stahl and Jonathan Turner, 2004 Faculty Achievement Awards, 2004: September 23
William Kristol, "2004 Election: What's at Stake," 2004: October 7
Susan Faludi, "Gender Roles: A Generation of Change," 2004: October 13
Robert Richards, "Did Ernst Haeckel Commit Fraud in Defending Darwin's Theory?," 2004: October 21
Farai Chideya, "Trust: Reaching the Million Missing Voters," 2004: October 27
Gerald Torres, "Knowledge, Power and Democracy: Insights from the Civil Rights and Environmental Movements," 2004: October 28
Leslie Brown, Jim Davis, Bill Lowry, Mark Rank, Will Ross, and Andrew Sobel, "The Day After: A Town Hall Meeting on the 2004 Presidential Election," 2004: November 3
Peter Balakian, "The Armenian Genocide and America's First International Human Rights Movement," 2004: November 4
Anchee Min, Neureuther Library/Women's Club Lecture Address, 2004: November 10
Na'im Akbar, "Psychology, Educational Achievement, and the African American Community," 2005: January 26
Robert Kerrey, "Uncovering the Truth in a Democratic Society," 2005: February 8
Kurt Gottfried, "Science Meets Politics—From Thomas Jefferson to George W. Bush," 2005: February 9
Saul Williams, "The Connection Between Henry Biggs' Hip-Hop and Poetry," 2005: February 16
Don Higginbotham, "George Washington's Remarkable Generation," 2005: February 23
Judy Norsigian, "The Impact of Media on Women's Health," 2005: March 2
Murray Gell-Mann, "Einstein and His Legacy," 2005: March 3
Sherman Alexie, "Without Reservations: An Urban Indian's Comic, Poetic, and Highly Irreverent Look at the World," 2005: March 16
Malcolm Schofield, " Transcending History: Plato's Political Philosophy In and Out of Time," 2005: March 16
Malcolm Schofield, "Plato, Thucydides and Utopia," 2005: March 17
Sherwin Nuland, "Tsunami Medical Diary," 2005: March 23
Seth MacFarlane, "Inside the Family Guy," 2005: March 30
Robert Moses, "Quality Public School Education as a Federal Legally-Enforceable Right," 2005: April 6
Alan Lightman, "The Physicist as Novelist," 2005: April 13
Anita Diamant, "Imaging the Past: A conversation with Anita Diamant," 2005: April 20
Tony La Russa, "Tony La Russa on Baseball," 2005: September 7
David Horowitz, "Academic Freedom and the War on Terror," 2005: September 14
Hernando de Soto and Richard Gephardt, "Empowering the World's Poor," 2005: September 19
Jeff Smith and Lorenzo Carcaterra, "Crime Can Pay: A Conversation with Lorenzo Carcaterra," 2005: September 21
Jon Butler, "The Miracle of Religion in Modern American History," 2005: September 28
Pamela Nagami, "Science Is Important, but It Isn't Everything," 2005: October 5
Carlos Fuentes, "Celebrating Cervantes and Don Quixote," 2005: October 12
Richard W. Burkhardt, "Konrad Lorenz and Niko Tinbergen: The Science and Politics of the Founding of Ethology, 1930-1973," 2005: October 25
Mae Jemison, "Exploring the Frontiers of Science and Human Potential," 2005: October 26
Stephen Bright, "Crime, Prison and the Death Penalty: The Influence of Race and Poverty," 2005: November 2
Christopher Browning, "Holocaust Denial in the Courtroom: The Historian as Expert Witness," 2005: November 9
Lani Guinier, "Meritocracy INC: How Wealth Became Merit, Class Became Race and College Education Became a Gift from the Poor to the Rich," 2006: January 25
Stephanie Coontz, "Courting Disaster? The World Transformation of Marriage," 2006: February 1
Cornel West, "Democracy Matters," 2006: February 2
Steven Squyres, "The Mars Rover Expedition," 2006: February 8
William Cronon, "Telling Tales on Canvas: Landscapes of Environmental Change," 2006: February 13
damali ayo, "How to Rent a Negro," 2006: February 15
Jonathan Kozol, "Hearts of Children and the Obligations of Our Nation's Schools," 2006: February 22
Joseph Adams, William Freivogel, Susan Turnbull, Grant Woodward, and Michael Minta, "The Future of the Democratic Party," 2006: March 1
Wendy Kopp, "Making Good on America's Promise: Education Opportunity for All," 2006: March 8
Eugenie Scott, "Creationism and Evolution: It's Not Over Yet!," 2006: March 22
William Gass, "Metaphor," 2006: March 30
Earl Graves, Jr., "The Media History and Portrayal of Black America," 2006: April 5
Wayne Fields, "Love and Seduction: Our Anxiety About Rhetoric," 2006: April 12
Marian Wright Edelman, "Stand Up for Children Now," 2006: April 19
Seymour Hersh, "Chain of Command: The Road from 9/11 to Abu Ghraib and Beyond," 2006: September 6
Bill Nye, "We Have to Do More with Less, Sundial Style," 2006: September 13
David Robertson, Lecture, 2006: September 20
Mark R. Rank, "One Nation, Underprivileged: Why American Poverty Affects Us All," 2006: September 27
Temple Grandin, "Boundaries of Humanity," 2006: October 4
Cheech Marin, "The Chicano School of Art: Pictures of a Culture," 2006: October 11
Bonnie Oda Homsey, "Re-imagining Motion: Martha Graham and Barbara Morgan," 2006: October 19
B.D. Wong, "All the World's a Stage: From Exclusion to Inclusion," 2006: October 23
Marjane Satrapi, "This Iranian Writer/Artist Grew up in Turbulent Times," 2006: October 25
Steven Strogatz, "Sync: The Emerging Science of Spontaneous Order," 2006: October 26
Richard Epstein, "Has Modern Complex Litigation Outgrown the Federal Laws of Civil Procedure: The Case of Antitrust," 2006: October 31
bell hooks, "Self-Determination: Where Do We Begin?," 2006: November 1
David Rieff, "A Bed for the Night: Humanitarianism in Crisis," 2006: November 8
David A. Lawton and Charles Jaco, "Burning to Read," 2007: January 24
Lisa Randall, "Warped Passages: Unraveling the Mysteries of the Universe's Hidden Dimensions," 2007: February 7
Nuruddin Farah, "A Question of Human Rights," 2007: February 14
Christopher Buckley, "Thank You for Smoking: A Conversation with Christopher Buckley," 2007: February 21
Michael Kimmel, "Mars, Venus, or Planet Earth? Women and Men in a New Millennium," 2007: February 28
Michael A. Wolff, "Race, Law, and the Struggle for Equality: Missouri Law, Politics, and the Dred Scott Case," 2007: March 1
Lauren Greenfield, "Thin," 2007: March 7
Gerald Izenberg, "Is Identity Necessary? Is Identity Possible?," 2007: March 21
Colin Renfrew, "Becoming Human: The Cognitive Archaeology of Humankind," 2007: March 22
Mike Huckabee, "From Hope to Higher Ground: 12 Stops for Restoring America's Greatness," 2007: April 4
Jonathan Fanton, "The Social Impact of a University," 2007: April 5
Gerald Early, "Baldwin and the Bosporus or Talking about Black History Month to Students in Turkey," 2007: April 10
Minnijean Brown-Trickey, "Return to Little Rock," 2007: April 11
Paul Rusesabagina, "Hotel Rwanda: A Lesson Yet to Be Learned," 2007: April 18
Henry Lewis Gates, Jr., "African-Americans and Documentary Film," 2007: April 26
Michael Atiyah, "Truth and Beauty in Mathematics," 2007: May 11
Cory Booker, "How to Change the World with Your Bare Hands: A Commitment to Community," 2007: September 14
Alan Lightman, "Einstein and Relativity," 2007: September 19
Richard P. Sloan, "Is Religion Good for Your Health?," 2007: September 26
Zarqa Nawaz, "Crossing Cultures," 2007: October 3
Amy Heath-Carpentier, Gary Braun, and Avi Orlow, "This I Believe: The State of Spiritual Life at Washington University," 2007: October 15
Jeff Johnson, "BECOME Activists: Building Effective Campus Organizations and Maintaining Excellence," 2007: October 31
Frances Moore Lappé, "Getting a Grip: Clarity, Creativity, and Courage in a World Gone Mad," 2007: November 6
E. Janet Browne, "Charles Darwin and the Economy of Nature: Money, Metaphor and Adaptive Capital," 2007: November 15
Derrick Bell, "Love's Labor Lost: Racial Reform's Realities," 2008: January 25
George M. Whitesides," Questions About Questions About the Origin of Life," 2008: February 6
Leon Kass, "Brave New Technology: The Challenge of Bioethics," 2008: February 6
Fatemeh Keshavarz, "Jasmine and Stars: Reading More Than Lolita in Tehran," 2008: February 13
Philip Clayton, "From Quantum to Consciousness: Does Emergence Support the Language of Spirit?," 2008: March 5
Jocelyn Bell Burnell, "In Pursuit of Pulsars," 2008: March 19
Carl Phillips, "Poetry and Resistance," 2008: March 25
Pamela S. Soltis, "Conservation Genetics and the Preservation of Plant Biodiversity," 2008: March 28
Ari Sandel, "West Bank Story," 2008: April 1
Ken Paulson, "Rebooting America: News for a New Generation," 2008: April 2
Calvin Trillin, "An Afternoon with Calvin Trillin," 2008: April 3
Glen Bowersock, "Globalization in Late Antiquity," 2008: April 10
Alvin Poussaint, "Embracing Diversity Today," 2008: April 15
Helen Fisher, "The Drive to Love: The Biology, Evolution, and Future of Romantic Love," 2008: April 16
Mo Rocca, "Making It Up as I Go Along: Satire in an Absurd World," 2008: September 10
Elizabeth Kolbert, "Field Notes from a Catastrophe," 2008: September 17
Steven Fazzari, "The U.S. Economy in the Consumer Age," 2008: September 24
Daniel Levitin, "How the Musical Brain Created Human Nature," 2008: October 8
Strobe Talbott, "The Great Experiment: The Old World Order, the New World Order, and the Next World Order," 2008: October 13
Jay Swoboda, "Gonzo Entrepreneurship, "Creating Better Social Environments While Keeping a Roof over Your Head," 2008: October 15
Peggy Orenstein, "Where's the Map? Navigating Women's Lives in a Half-Changed World," 2008: October 21
Carl Bernstein, Scott Rupp, and Jeff Smith, "Public Ethics: The Responsibilities of Elected Officials," 2008: October 23
Keith Wailoo, "How Cancer Crossed the Color Line: Race and Disease in America," 2008: November 11
Daniel Mendelsohn, "Finding 'The Lost': A Journey into the History, Family, and Judaism," 2008: November 12
Maxine Clark, Darcella Craven, Cole Johnson, and Adam Schneider, Olin Cup Q&A and Award Ceremony, 2009: February 5
Lela Lee, "My Culture Is Pop Culture," 2009: February 11
Janice Radway, "Zines, Half-lives, and Afterlives: On the Temporalities of Social and Political Change," 2009: February 17
Jonathan Schaeffer, "Computer (and Human) Perfection at Checkers," 2009: February 18
David Konig, Linda Nicholson, and Andrew Rehfeld, "The Legacy of George Washington: A Panel Discussion," 2009: February 18
Anna Shabsin, Asad Ahmed, Fernando Cutz, Bob Hansman, Aaron Samuels, Tim Taylor, and Sarah Wong, "A Discussion about Race and Identity," 2009: February 25
Paul Alivisatos, "Development of New Nanocrystal Molecules for Biological Sensing and Detecting," 2009: March 4
Janine Benyus, "Biomimicry: Building from Nature's Blueprints," 2009: March 19
Robert Osserman, "How the Gateway Arch Got Its Shape," 2009: March 25
Henry L. Roediger III, "Enhancing Retention via Repeated Retrieval: Why Studying Matters Less than You Might Think," 2009: March 30
Morgan Spurlock, "An Evening with Morgan Spurlock," 2009: April 1
Richard Martin, "Finding Homer in the 21st Century," 2009: April 9
Chad Nackers and John Harris, "Inside The Onion," 2009: April 9
Theresa Wilson, "Making a Purchase that Makes a Difference: The Blessing Basket Project," 2009: April 15
Harold Ramis, "Existentialism, Post-modernism and Deconstructionism: Will This Be on the Test?," 2009: September 9
Julie Otsuka, "When the Emperor Was Divine," 2009: September 15
Jessica Jackley, Entrepreneurship Lecture, 2009: September 17
Jonathan Chase and Dan Hellmuth, "Green Building at Tyson Research Center," 2009: September 24
Harold Ford, Jr., "An Afternoon with Harold Ford, Jr.," 2009: October 7
David Callahan, "Creating a Culture of Integrity," 2009: October 15
Urvashi Vaid, "Beyond the Wedding Ring: LGBT Activism in the Age of Obama," 2009: October 23
Francis G. Slay, "A Discussion with Mayor Francis G. Slay," 2009: October 29
John Maeda, "Creative Leadership," 2009: November 4
Ben Kiernan, "Blood and Soil: Genocide in World History," 2009: November 11
Amory Lovins, "Reinventing Fire: The Profitable Transition from Oil and Coal to Efficiency and Renewables," 2010: January 27
Robert Freling, Skandalaris Center/Engineers Without Borders Lecture, 2010: February 4
Edward J. Larson, "From Dayton to Dover: A Brief History of the Evolution Teaching Controversy in the United States," 2010: February 10
Caroline Bynum, "Weeping Statues & Bleeding Bread: Miracles & Their Theorists," 2010: February 22
Kip Fulbeck, "What Are You? The Changing Face of America," 2010: March 2
Matisyahu, An Unscripted Conversation about Music, Philosophy and Religion, 2010: March 18
Naomi Klein, "The Present and Future of Capitalism," 2010: March 24
Eric Greitens, "Inspiring Leadership in Challenging Times," 2010: March 30
James Lennox, "William Harvey: Enigmatic Aristotelian of the Scientific Revolution," 2010: April 7
Gloria Steinem, "Sex Trafficking and the New Abolitionists," 2010: April 12
Robert Thach, "An Emerging Tick-born Disease in the Central U.S.: Human Monocytic Ehrlichiosis," 2010: April 20
Mary Zimmerman, "Bodies I Have in Mind: Adapting Ancient Texts for the Stage," 2010: April 21
Arsalan Iftikhar, "The Pacifist Fundamentalist," 2010: September 13
Matthew Bishop, "Philanthro-capitalism," 2010: September 16
Kevin Washburn, "Improving Criminal Justice for American Indians," 2010: September 23
Jonathan Safran Foer, Reading and Commentary, 2010: September 30
Nicholas Kristof, "Half the Sky: From Oppression to Opportunity for Women Worldwide," 2010: October 4
Cynthia Enloe, "Invisible Costs of War," 2010: October 8
Adam Ross, Reading and Commentary, 2010: October 19
Mott T. Greene, "Alfred Wegener and the Origins of Modern Earth Science," 2010: November 3
Marianne Hirsch, "Rites of Return: The Afterlife of the Holocaust in Jewish Memory," 2010: November 8
Jonathan Zimmerman, "Beyond Bedrooms and Borders: What a Historian of American Sex Education Learned by Looking Overseas," 2010: November 11
Mia Farrow, "Human Rights: Why It Is Mandatory for All of Us," 2010: November 17
Bryan Stevenson, "Poverty, Incarceration and Injustice in America," 2011: February 3
Sean Wilentz, "Andrew Jackson's Proclamation on Nullification," 2011: February 22
Sean Wilentz, "Abraham Lincoln," 2011: February 23
Sean Wilentz, "Ulysses S. Grant," 2011: February 24
Maria Bernadette Majella Doyle, Lecture, 2011: April 13
Wes Moore, "The Other Wes Moore: One Name, Two Fates," 2012: September 4
Paul Tough, "How Children Succeed: Grit, Curiosity, and the Hidden Power of Character," 2012: September 11
Parker Palmer and Carrie Newcomer, "Healing the Heart of Democracy: A Gathering of Spirits for the Common Good," 2012: February 10
James Boyle, "Cultural Agoraphobia: Why Most of What You Know About the Internet Is Wrong" [Questions and Answers Only], 2012: February 29
James Boyle, "The Internet Threat: The Farmer's Tale and Other Myths of Intellectual Property," 2012: March 1
James Boyle, "Seven Ways to Ruin a Technological Revolution (And Why We Shouldn't)," 2012: March 2
Henry Royal, Lee Sobotka, and Michael Wysession, "Fukushima: The Science and Health Effects of the Nuclear Disaster in Japan," 2011: April 1
E.J. Dionne, "Can Religion and Politics Make Us More Civil and Not Just Angry?," 2011: October 10