NEH SealThe seal for the National Endowment for the Humantities.
Phone Interview NotesA producers handwritten notes, pertaining to an interview with a Black college student, detail what they thought would be the most important issues to discuss and stories to tell.
Tracy Amalfitano ClipIn this interview clip, Tracy Amalfitano expresses how she did not support the boycott of schools during desegregation and how she beleived school integration was a good thing.
William Rutherford Interview ClipIn this interview clip, William Rutherford is asked to begin his answer again when he does not incorperate the question into his response.
Rosemary Porter Interview ClipIn this interview clip, interviewer Shelia Curran Bernard corrects Rosemary Porter when she begins making a false statement.
Juanita Wade Interview ClipIn this interview, Juanita Wade discusses the issues she saw with Boston desegregation, particularly the notion of taking children out of their established communities.
Jane Duwors Interview ClipIn this interview clip, Jane Duwors explains how she thought her soon was facing discrimination in the desegregation of Boston schools, particularly South Boston High School.
Eyes II Interview HighlightsA compilation video of noteworthy moments from selected Eyes II interviews.
Ellen Jackson Interview ClipIn this clip, Ellen Jackson recounts how the shortcomings of her son's Boston school affected his educational success, which led her to become involved in the movement for school desegregation.
Ruth Batson Clip 2In this interview clip, Ruth Batson recounts when she began to work with the NAACP in Boston regarding school desegregation.
Ruth Batson Clip 1In this clip, Ruth Batson recounts her experiences as she began to advocate for the integration of Boston schools, as well as the confusion from the community about why it was necessary.
Carl Stokes Interview ClipIn this brief clip, interviewer Louis Massiah interjects Carl Stokes in order to direct the interview into the proper direction.
Episode #207 Preliminary TreatmentThis preliminary treatment, indicated by a different title than the final episode, details early ideas for episode 7 which includes school desegregation and affirmative action as the main topics for inclusion.