Interviews By Episode

On this page, the interviews are organized by episode. Beneath the episode title, the topics of the episodes are listed. 

 Episode 1 •  Episode 2 •  Episode 3 •  Episode 4 •  Episode 5 •  Episode 6 •  Episode 7 •  Episode 8

Epsiode 1: The Time Has Come

  • Nation of Islam - Malcolm X
  • Lowndes County Freedom Organization (LCFO) in Alabama 
  • James Meredith shooting and the March Against Fear 

James Haughton 

Louis Michaux 

Elijah Muhammad 

Ossie Davis 

Ruby Sales 

Mike Wallace 

Louis Lomax  

Sonia Sanchez 

Alex Haley  

John Lewis  

Peter Bailey 

Stokely Carmichael  

Betty Shabazz 

John Hulett 

John Jackson 

James Meredith 

Floyd McKissick  

David Dawley 

Arlie Schardt 

Cleveland Sellers 

Willie Ricks  

Johnny Jackson 

Mary Jane Jackson 

Bob Mants 

Josephine Mayes 

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Episode 2: Two Societies

  • Dr. King during Chicago Freedom Movement 
  • Cicero March 
  • Detroit Riot of 1967 


Linda Bryant-Hall

Andrew Young 

Ed Marciniak 

Clory Bryant  

Jesse Jackson 

Minnie Dunlap  

Nancy Jefferson 

John McDermott 

Richard J Daley 

Albert Raby 

Bernard Lafayette  

Rosemary Porter 

Andy Young 

Bob Lucas 

Chester Robinson  

Helen Kelly 

Ron Scott 

Grant Friley  

Herb Boyd 

John Nichols  

Arthur Johnson 

Richard Strichartz  

Ron Scott  

Eleanor Josaitis  

Rev Albert Cleage  

Edward Vaughn  

Albert Wison 

Gov George Romney 

Roger Wilkins  

Cyrus Vance 

Howard Holland 

John Conyers 

Al Cleage  

Daisy Nunley 

Colonel Howard Becker 

Jim Ingram 

Albert Wilson 

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Episode 3: Power! 

  • Election of Carl Stokes in Cleveland 
  • Formation of Black Panther Party 
  • Ocean Hill-Brownsville and the debate of parental control of schools

Stokely Carmichael 

Carl Stokes 

Geraldine Williams  

Ralph Locher  

Charles Butts 

Thompson Gaines 

Seth Taft  

Huey Newton 

Bobby Seale  

Richard Jensen  

Bobby Hutton  

Emory Douglas  

Charles O’Brien  

Eldridge Cleaver 

H. R. Brown  

Elaine Brown  

John Lindsay 

Rev May 

Bernard Donovan  

Jitu Weusi (Les Campbell) 

Albert Shanker 

John Powis 

Rev. C. Herbert Oliver 

Sandra Feldman 

Fred Nauman 

Dolores Torres 

Rhody McCoy 

Karriema Jordan 

Floyd McKissick 

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Episode 4: The Promised Land  

  • Final years of Dr. King and his focus on economic justice
  • Poor People’s Campaign, Washington DC 
  • Resurrection City

Stokley Carmichael 

Michael Harrington 

Andrew Young 

Barry Goldwater  

Edward Brooke 

Harry McPherson 

Harry Belafonte 

Marian Logan 

Marian Wright 

Robert Kennedy 

H. Rap Brown  

Coretta Scott King 

Al Sampson 

Carlos Russell 

Xerona Clayton 

William Rutherford 

Hosea Williams 

Taylor Rogers 

Maria Wright Edelman 

Henry Loab 

Jerred Blanchard 

James Smith 

James Figgs 

Bill Lucy 

Juanita Abernathy  

Ralph Abernathy  

Marian Logan  

Jesse Jackson 

Daniel Schorr 

Roxanne Jones 

Ethel Mae Matthews 

Roger Wilkins 

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Episode 5: Ain’t Gonna Shuffle No More 

  • Muhammad Ali as a beacon for Black empowerment
  • Student Movement at Howard University
  • National Black Political Convention in Gary, Indiana

Amiri Baraka 

Sonia Sanchez 

Muhammad Ali 

Kareem Abdul Jabbar 

Angelo Dundee 

Jabir Herbert Muhammad 

Herbert Muhammad  

Floyd Patterson 

Stokley Carmichael 

Edwin Pope 

Jackie Robinson 

Steven Dunkley  

Harry Belafonte 

Tony Gittens 

Mrs. E Franklin Frazier 

Paula Giddings 

Robin Gregory 

Gloster Current 

Fred Black  

Adrienne Manns-Israel 

Charles Epps 

Senator Robert Byrd 

Kenneth Clark 

Eward Brown  

Arthur Eve 

Rev. Ben Chavis 

Mary Hightower 

Jesse Jackson  

Richard Hatcher  

Charles Diggs 

Willie Felder 

William (Bill) Greaves 

Marion Stamps 

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Episode 6: A Nation of Law 

  • Fred Hampton's leadership of the Chicago Black Panther Party and his assassination
  • Attica Prison Uprising in 1971


Bobby Seale 

William Oneal  

Elaine Brown  

Debra Webb 

Jerris Leonard 

Quentin Young 

Father George Clements 

Fred Hampton 

Marian Stamps  

Nancy Jefferson 

Howard Saffold  

Deborah Johnson 

Edward V. Hanrahan 

Bobby Rush 

Rev. C.T. Vivian  

Flint Taylor 

Rev. Thomas Strieter 

Joseph Lefevour 

Angela Davis 

Michael Smith 

Frank Smith 

Amiri Baraka  

Herbert X Blyden  

Frank Strollo  

Eliott Barkley 

Arthur O Eve 

Tom Wicker 

Laverne Barkley  

Stephen Smith  

Philip Watkins 

John Johnson  

Jim Ingram 

Russell Oswald 

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Episode 7: Keys to the Kingdom  

  • Boston School Desegregation and the protests over busing 
  • Election of Maynard Jackson in Atlanta
  • Affirmative Action and the US Supreme Court ruling in Regents of University of California v. Blake  


Mary Frances Berry 

Jean McGuire 

Louise Day Hicks  

Ellen Jackson 

John Kerrigan  

Janet Palmeriello  

Betty Johnson 

Kathy Downs 

Tom Atkins 

Sandy Young 

John McDonough  

Maynard Jackson 

Ethel Mae Matthews  

Dillard Munford 

Maggie Thomas 

Walter Huntley  

Emma Darnell 

Buddy Fowlkes 

Willie Bolden 

Toni Johnson-Chavis 

Robert Links 

James Buckley 

Elanor Holmes Norton 

Reynold Colvin 

Luke Harris 

Jane Duwors 

Robert Kiley 

Phyllis Ellison 

Ruth Batson 

Thomas Atkins 

Al Lupo 

Juanita Wade 

Tracy Amalfitano 

Kevin White 

Kathy Stapleton 

Evelyn Moarsh 

Jean McGuire 

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Episode 8: Back to the Movement 

  • Miami Riot of 1980 rising out of Arthur McDuffie's murder 
  • Election of Mayor Harold Washington  in Chicago
  • Effects of the Civil Rights movement on the US and globally

Sonny Wright 

Gladys Taylor 

Dewey Knight 

Lonnie Lawrence  

Bill Perry 

Athalie Range 

Clyde Killens 

Dr. John O. Brown 

Dorothy Graham  

Ann-Marie Adker 

Georgia Ayers  

Jessie McCrary  

Frank Legree 

Sammy Davis, Jr.  

Robert Finley 

Frederica McDuffie 

Louis McDuffie 

Dale Bowlin 

Maurice Ferre 

Charles Veverka  

Renault Robinson 

Debra Webb 

Nancy Jefferson 

Jane Byrne  

Marian Stamps 

Slim Coleman 

Lutrelle Palmer 

Ed Gardner 

Joseph Gardner 

Jesse Jackson  

Rosie Mars  

C. T. Vivian 

Fannie Lou Hamer 

Unita Blackwell  

Eleanor Holmes Norton 

George Clements 

Jesus Garcia 

Albert Johnson 

Lu Palmer 

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