Interviews by Topic
The following table organizes the interviews by topics as some span several episodes.
Civil Unrest includes interviews that refer to the events of unrest that occured in Miami, Detroit, and in the Attica Prison uprising in New York.
Education includes interviews that refer to the numerous educational movements that are covered in the series, including affirmative action.
Political Campaigns lists interviews regarding the historic mayoral campaigns in Chicago, Cleveland, and Atlanta. Included is aslo the interview with Unita Blackwell, the first African-American mayor in the history of Mississippi.
Actions of Dr. King lists interviews regarding the various campaigns and movements Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was involved with before his assasination.
Black Power lists interviews regarding organizations and events in support of black power, including the Black Panther Party.
Chicago lists interviews referring to pivotal events and movements in the northern city of Chicago, which would prove important as the Civil Rights Movement set its sights on the north.
Civil UnrestMiami
Attica Prison Riot
EducationOcean Hill - Brownsville
Boston School Desegregation Crisis
Howard University
Affirmative Action
Political Campaigns
Atlanta (Maynard Jackson)
Cleveland (Carl Stokes)
Actions of Dr. KingThe Poor People's Campaign
Southern Christian Leadership Conference
Black PowerThe Black Panther Party
Lowndes County Freedom Organization
Malcolm X/Nation of Islam
National Black Political Convention
ChicagoCicero March
Chicago Freedom Movement
Harold Washington Mayoral Campaign
Chicago Black Panther Party